Ghost Tree vs Carnage Dragon (4)

Nine lightening arrows streaked the distance toward the manically laughing Derek.

However, not to speak of alarm, not even a speck of fluster was on his face. In fact, he spread his arms open, as if intending to welcome the arrows without even attempting to evade.

Cling! Clang! Cling! Clang! Cling! Clang! Cling! Clang! Clang!

Colliding with his energy defense, countless sparks of lightning exploded, as the piercing effect of the arrows soared, directly attacking the thin energy membrane.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Exhausting all of the energy in the inscription, and unable to even advance a Cm, the arrows directly shattered to pieces, due to the violent collision.

Everyone in the camp started wide-eyed at the sight. These arrows were not something that even the Lv.2 warriors with ignition percent up to 25% could handle, yet, not to mention inflicting damage, the arrows didn't even bypass the this energy film!

It was only now did they realize why Kevin was beaten up to such a sorry state.

"Keep on attacking, don't give him chance! Otherwise… we'll all be in trouble." someone in the compound side shouted. Following which, arrows and spears kept flying toward the bloodline magician. All the while, Nora was still bringing more and more weapons for the warriors.

Cling! Clang! Cling! Clang!

Arrows kept assaulting the energy defense of Derek, yet, the result was the same – arrows shattering upon contact, while electricity spark crackling like fire crackers all over his torso.

Ramie's eyes gazed coldly at the sight. This magician really had it all. Impenetrable defense and ridiculously powerful offense…! Not to mention his ability to fly!

He really got everything that Ramie lacked.

Ramie wanted to cast his ghost glare, and conclude the fight; however… this magician was flying beyond his rang. And even if Ramie stood right under him, the range would still be much more than 50 meter.

'There has to be something I can do…' ramie's mind reeled, trying to figure out something.

If only the defensive spell of this magician was special grade, then it was fine for them, as his magic energy shouldn't be limitless. However, if this fire globe in his hand was an offensive spell, and was also special graded, then, everyone here was in a deep trouble.

If that magician launched a melee attack, then they'll have a chance by overwhelming him with numbers. However, if he is to stay airborne, and bombard them with ranged spells, then they really won't be able to do anything to him. And giving that not even their inscribed arrows work on him, they would really be forced to endure his assault until he consumes all of his magic energy.

This was the tragic scenario.

As his spell cast was over, reaching the size of an adult human head, Derek locked his gaze at the Kevin, who had suffered a broken leg, and was now being supported by two warriors, leading him to the rear of the formation, to treat his leg.

A vicious killing intent flashed in Derek's eyes, as he decreed in an extremely overbearing tone: "In this world, there is no one that I, want him dead, and he lives past that moment, no one!"

Saying so, and amidst a wild laughter, Derek threw the flaming crimson globe down, toward Kevin.

"KEVIN! WATCH OUT…!" Brian seethed with fury, as he circulated his life energy and shouted, while dashing toward Kevin, to intercept the attack.

However, even though Brian was fast, but he had reacted only after seeing the streaking globe and estimating its direction. In doing so, he had wasted precious time.

The raging globe cut the distance in almost no time, and struck Kevin, who was being supported by two warriors, taken the rear of the formation, thinking that he was safe.

As the crimson fire touched him, it immediately exploded into a thick, symmetrical fire pillar, raising five meter in height, and releasing intense wave of heat. The fire pillar engulfed Kevin and the two warriors that were supporting him.


Everyone's eyes widened in shock and horror, and their mouths gaped open, while watching Kevin, frantically writhing about his body as he burned. His miserable, wretched wails caused the bodies of everyone in the compound side to shudder.

The intense heat of the fire pillar forced Brian to halt his advance, not daring to step into it.

The crimson fire pillar rage lasted no more than three seconds, before disappearing, and revealing three bodies on the ground.

Kevin… had all of his clothes burn, and fuse with his melted skin. There were many bubbles swallow and rapture continuously on skin, releasing pus from within. The moment the pus flows out, it immediately evaporates, with a sizzling sound of corrosion. Kevin was releasing moans and groans akin to whimpering animal. It was obvious that he was in unimaginable pain.

As for the two warriors, both of them were reduced to charred corpses. They had died before they could even scream.

Even though one of them had ignition percent above 90%, and the other 13%, they both died on the spot, all the same. Their life energy defense didn't even protect them for a second.

Right now, the two warrior's corpses were in the process of disintegrating to ash, at a visible rate.

Everyone started bewilderedly at Kevin, who was assuming a fetus posture on the ground.

In the air, a sickening smell of cocked meat wafted everywhere, giving the onlookers a strong urge to vomit.

Staring at the miserable state of Kevin, who had yet to reach the twenties of his age, Brian's eyes were completely bloodshot.

In the compound, Kevin had the best talent among the warriors. Every time he absorbs life energy from energy cores, it always increases his ignition percent by a high value, not wasting any energy in the absorption process.

Now, it had to be said, not all of the warriors had the same aptitude for life energy. In the process of absorbing the energy from the beasts' cores, there will always be a waste of energy.

To the warriors, the less one wastes energy during the absorption process, the highest his talent is, and the better his breakthrough prospects are.

Some warriors have bodies that barely absorb the energy from the cores. And some had to practically force their bodies to absorb it. On the other hand, some absorbs the energy within the cores like dry sponges absorb fresh water, without wasting much.

Now, and following this logic, not all the peak lv.1 warriors could break through to the second level when absorbing one tier-2 core. Some, might need to absorb several, some needs tenths, while others even hundreds.

So, Brian wanted to give the core to the warrior with the best chances of successfully advancing, so as not to waste the precious opportunity, hence, Brian chose Kevin.

Also, he wanted to pick one of his own followers to strengthen, to consolidate his control over the compound.

However, right then, Kevin's mother displayed a strong and firm objection. She was a smart woman. She knew that once her son increases his strength, he would have partaken in dangerous missions, and risks his life more often.

Thus, she refused this plan, insisting on her opinion.

However, at the time, and to convince that woman, Brian had to make countless promises and oaths, to take care of Kevin, to keep him safe, away from the harm way.

After that, he took him under his wing, and with time, he started genuinely caring for him, considering him like his younger brother.

Now however, the shy, silent boy in his memory was reduced to such state…!

Thinking of the mother's reaction, Brian started breathing roughly as veins bulged up on his forehead, his face radiating with rage.

Grinding his teeth to the point of making sounds, he raised his head, and shot a menacing glare toward the laughing magician, bellowing: "If you're a man, then I dare you to come down here and fight me!"

Derek however, did not respond to the provocative words, instead, he mocked, in overbearing words: "what a pathetic little dog! … Is that your grand plan? To beg your enemy…! Now, lower your head, like the good dog you are, and obediently accept you punishment!"

Finishing his words, two crimson globes of raging flames ignited on his two hands.

Immediately, on the compound side, every ones expression changed…