Ghost Tree vs Carnage Dragon (5)

As the two fire globes reached their completion, Derek swung one of his hands, shooting down one fiery globe at the compound warriors bellow.

"Evade…!" not forgetting the frightening sight few moment ago, one of the warriors cried out in alarm.

Unfortunately, even though the warriors at the targeted site managed to avoid the descending globe, they were still caught in the fire pillar that raged after the spell struck the ground.

Following which, the same scene repeated itself yet again.

Even though the engulfed warriors concentrated all of their energy on the defense, and tried to charge out of the thick fire pillar… however, they all still died the moment the berserker flame touched their bodies, not giving them the time to even take one step before turning them to charred corpses.

Having seen four warriors from his group die so miserably, and so quickly, Brian was on the verge of going mad from rage: "YOU LOW LIFE!!! I DARE YOU TO ATTACK AGAIN!"

"Hahaha. Challenge, accepted!" amidst wild laugher, Derek spoke in sarcastic tone.

Following which, he waved his other hand, shooting the flaming globe downward.

Upon seeing the direction that the globe was streaking toward, Brian was filled with so much unspeakable rage, that he almost gritted his teeth into a fine powder.

The fiery globe was aiming at none other than the severely injured Kevin!

With eyes that were almost spewing fire from the anger, Brian took out a small dagger, and standing beside Kevin, he stabbed the dagger in the ground.

This dagger was one of the objects that were inscribed with the earth dome inscription.

Immediately, the moment the inscription was activated, the ground rose from around, forming a dome shaped earth barrier in a moment, and covering both Brian and Kevin.


The moment the globe touched the dome, it immediately exploded, forming a thick fiery pillar, and engulfing the dome.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The dome lasted a moment, then, spider pattern cracks soon spread all over it, signifying its inability to withstand the raging flame.


The dome completely collapsed the next moment, causing the fire to engulf both Brian and Kevin.


Like a shooting star, the miserable figure of Brian lunged out of the pillar.

His clothes were charred and his hair burned. However, and aside from minor burns on his skin, he was fine.

Apparently, his ignition percent that was above 25% was enough to shield him for the most part.

At this point, Brian was no longer even glaring at the flying magician. Instead, he was looking the mass of black charcoal in his hand that was continuously disintegrating into ash.

This was all what remained from Kevin!

Being so severely injured, and with his exhausted life energy, he was left defenseless against the raging fire. Thus, he was obliterated the moment the fire touched him.

Looking at the scattering ash, Brian trembled all over. He had no idea what to tell the mother when she asks him where her son is…

There was no longer even a corpse!

Brian fiercely raised his head, and roared like a madman. Then, he simply glared at the flaying magician that was grinning at him from above.

"Glare all you want. Today, you'll all pay for my brother's life with yours. Hehehe… I bet you wish that you could kill with that look of yours!" Derek said, while casting a condescending look at him.

At this moment, Brian started losing hope in salvaging this situation. As things stood, there was no hope for them to turn things around.

The enemy group was larger them. However, the inscribed weapons in their possession bridged the gap to a large extent. If the enemy group decided to attack them, then they would definitely suffer disastrous losses in the process. Hence, they unleashed their trump card.

The attacking group had this bloodline magician as the strongest member. And with his advantages, he was in a position to weaken their group to the point that the attacking group could finish them off without incurring much loses.

Taking that into consideration, for them to turn the table, there was no way other than neutralizing this bloodline magician.

The enemy camp have their advantage… however, it wasn't as if they didn't have a trump card of their own.

Reaching this point in thought, Brian lowered his head, and then, he shot a subtle glance of plea at ramie that was standing among the warriors.

The enemy has their bloodline magician; however… the compound has a magician with special graded artifact of their own as well.

Sensing the gaze, there was no way for ramie to not understand the meaning of it.

Ramie frowned at that.

Although, and truth be told, he did come up with a plan to salvage the situation here. However… his plan involved him putting his life at a great risk.

Thus, he didn't want to use it, not unless he's absolutely sure that there is no other way around.

'Even if this magician has a large magic energy pool… In the end, a spell this destructive is bound to have a huge magic energy requirement. Thus, he could only cast it few times. And so far, he had casted it thrice… Also, he had already casted his equally powerful defensive spell. So, this means that by now, his magic energy should be running low…'

Shifting his gaze toward the flying magician, ramie concluded inwardly.

Actually, his conclusion was very accurate. As Derek no longer had the magic energy required to cast incineration bomb again.

However, still, this didn't mean that their troubles were about to end…

Aiming his two arms downward, Derek shouted…

Piercing scales!

Following which, the scales all over his two arms started vibrating intensely, then, four arrowhead- shaped scales were violently discharged from the two arms, and tore their path through the air like high-caliper sniper bullets, heading at the compound group bellow.

Immediately, all the warriors circulated their life energy to its max, to withstand the assault. Several energy shields inscription flickered into existence, to defend the magicians.

Bang! Bang!


Two of the shooting scales were blocked with energy shields, while the other two struck two warriors.

One warrior was hit on the head. However, and luckily for him, he had placed both of his hands atop his head. So, when the scale struck, it penetrated both of his hands before completely losing its momentum when reaching his head. Hence, he got out with only pierced hands.

Of course, the fact that he was peak lv.1 warrior might be the reason.

The second warrior on the other end wasn't as lucky. The scale struck him at the base of his neck, and emerged from the other side, dealing him a killing blow.

He had ignition percent that didn't exceed 20%.

As for the energy shields, both scattered into sparks after blocking the hits, which signified the alarming penetrative force these scales possess.

The truth was… even though Derek was no longer able to cast his incineration bomb spell. However, he still had another offensive spell, a one that has much less magic energy requirement.

Having seen that two of his scales were blocked, Derek didn't care at all, and instead, he laughed: "you've blocked two of them. However, don't be so happy so soon. After all, there are more where they came from…! Hahaah…"

Finishing his words, he casted again.

Piercing scales!

Piercing scales!

Piercing scales!

The shooting scales whizzed through the air like a stream of bullets, raining on the compound group with no end.

At once, miserable cries of pain and fear filled the area, as one warrior fell after the other.

Derek was completely ruthless in his attack. Whenever he sees a warrior that has been hit, he keeps shooting at him until he riddles his body with scales, and kill him.

Lv.2 warriors were fine, as the scales weren't powerful enough to penetrate their defense.

Ramie, Neil, and Reem were surrounded by the ten warriors that had recently joined their team. Eight of them were protecting ramie and Reem, four for each, while the remaining two were protecting Neil.

This has been the case ever since the beginning of the fight.

After few more rounds of attacks, Derek finally stopped his assault.

'Finally… his magic energy has been exhausted.'

Ramie heaved a sigh of relief. If this bloodline magician had more magic energy, then the damage that he could have inflicted on the compound would have been really terrible.

Looking over at the distance, where the battle between the azure gazelle king and the two opponents was still ongoing, ramie relaxed a bit upon seeing that the summoned beasts was still holding up.

Since the bloodline magician no longer had the magic energy to shower them with his spells, and since that the Rank-2 earth magician and the lv.2 warrior were yet to successfully suppress the azure gazelle king, everyone in the compound side realized that unless the attacking group wanted to pay an extremely heavy price to annihilate them, this battle was very much over.

"You have run out of magic energy, don't you? Now, I dare you to come down and fight me, man to man, I DARE YOU!" Having suffered so much loses, Brian was not willing to see this mage just retreat away. He wanted to vent the violent hatred and fury that were eating at his heart.

"Heheheh… You think that this is it? How naive…! Let me tell you, I have come here for the sole purpose of razing this place down to the ground. So, today, and before the sun sets… all of you lot will be history. Now, be obedient as the dogs you are, and willingly had over your lives!" seeing the unspeakable rage in Brian's face, Derek threw more arrogant words at him, to aggravates him even further.

Finishing his overbearing and tyrannical words, Derek took out a small glassy container from his trouser pocket. The container looked like a vial, and it held a blue colored liquid that had a bit of glue to it.

Seeing this container, all the magician faces in the compound side paled, their hearts palpating with fear.

"He actually has a magic energy recovery potion…!!! Then, could they possibly have…?' Neil started wide eyed at the small vial.

At once, a terrible realization dawned at every one's hearts.