Ghost Tree vs Carnage Dragon (7)

Seeing the compound's bloodline mage fly toward him like a shooting arrow, right through his piercing attacks, Derek felt an electrifying sense of an impending doom piercing through his heart, causing his scalp to tingle with numbness. A dread that was like nothing else welled out inside him…

However, and before he could do anything, he heard two words…

"Ghost glare…!"

The moment these words sounded out, the light in Derek's frightened eyes immediately faded, and his pupils widened, becoming like two full moons.


Ramie didn't waste any time, and throw his vine toward the falling magician, and coiled it around him.


Then, and coughing another mouthful of blood, ramie swung his vine, throwing the unconscious bloodline mage toward the compound side.

"GREGORY! Quickly grab him…!" Ramie howled loudly, which caused more blood to splatter from his mouth. It was obvious that the third scale had dealt him some serious damage.

'This is not good….' Ramie thought in his heart. The bloodline mage's towering body was very heavy, which forced ramie to exhaust a lot magic energy to throw him toward their side. Now, Ramie's magic energy was down to 37 units, from the earlier 40, which meant that his ghost glare spell that costs 20 magic energy units to cast can now only be used once.

Gregory dashed ahead, to receive the bloodline magician. "Eh?" However, and just as he took few steps, a figure lunged out violently from behind with unstoppable momentum, like a charging bull, causing him to be pushed to the side.

"Let me see who will save you from me today…!" The figure had a savage face, his eyes exuding hatred and menace. Brian's current complexion was like a long starved beast that had just spotted a fat prey. His anger had accumulated beyond what words could describe.


The heavy figure of Derek crushed onto the ground, causing slight tremor.

Not far ahead, Ramie was falling to the ground.

His physic was average. Hence, a fall from such altitude was enough to endanger his life.

He controlled his vine, and stretched it down, to receive the ground first, in order to absorb the momentum of the fall.


Falling to the ground, four warriors dashed toward him with all of their might. They were precisely the new warriors in the group that were responsible for protecting him.

A mage alone in the open ground was a very easy target for the spells of the enemy magicians. Hence, the four warriors acted with haste, not wasting anytime at all. In fact, as per Ramie's instruction, the four of them charged out the moment ramie was thrown toward the mage.

Using his vine to reduce the impact of the fall, Ramie received no critical damage from the descent. However, the scales injuries were still there, severely impacting his mobility.

As the four warriors reached him, one of them picked him up and dashed back into the compound group. The other three warriors activated their energy shield inscriptions and blocked few offensive spells that were thrown over from the enemy magicians.



"What is happening…? Did I see wrong…?"

In the prison group, many gasps of shock and bewilderment sounded out in quick succession. The quick sequence of event started, developed, and then ended in a speed that left them no time to comprehend anything.

At the outcome that was unfolding before their eyes, they were so shocked, that their eyes were practically popping out of their sockets.

Derek was unstoppable war machine. He could even hold his own in a melee fight against Lv.2 warrior with life energy ignition higher than 25%!

This made him undefeatable in their eyes. Truth be told, the moment he flew into the sky, and started shooting down his spells at the compound group, they pretty much considered it to be their victory. It wasn't out of arrogance or blind faith in Derek's power, but it was just… that how strong he was.

However, now, and with ease, he was actually captured!

"MY SON…! MY SON…! Derek!!! Animals, let go of my son! Let him GO!"

From the rear lines of prison group, a high pitch shriek of a woman split the air.

From the prison group, the figure of a woman emerged; she was pushing her way through the magicians and warriors, running agitatedly toward the compound group. However, before she manages to get to the front of the prison group, the reverberating shout of the prison leader range out.

"Brother! Don't let her go! Have someone take her back to the prison, NOW…!"

The prison leader had an expression that was just as shocked as the woman. He was engaged in a heated battle with the beast, to wear it out and exhaust it magic energy, so as to make killing it easier. However, he heard an urgent shout from one of his underlings, hence; he threw a look at the other side…

However, the moment his eyes fell there, he saw his son crash onto the ground, and one of the enemy warriors charge at him, wanting to attack him.

Usually, and with his son's defensive spell, it shouldn't have been much on him…

However, and seeing that his son wasn't moving at all, he was stupefied.

His son was simply lying still, as the enemy warrior charged at him with great momentum...!

"DEREK…! Stop messing around…! Just finish these nefarious things off…!"

"… …"

No response… nothing!

Upon seeing that his son wasn't making any move at all, as though he was paralyzed, and the enemy warrior charging at him madly, the prison's leader heart sank: 'This isn't good…!' Immediately, the earth giant let out a reverberating roar, a one that shook the entire area, causing the very air to vibrate.


Roaring out furiously, the prison's leader expression inside the earth giant was especially fierce and daunting.

However, and upon Reem's order, the gazelle did not stop his lightning bombardment at the giant, actively obstructing his movements.

After the prison leader roared, the other in the prison side shook awake from their trance, and started shouting out warnings and threats.

"Let go of Master Derek! Or the ground here will shower with your blood today!"

"You dare attack Master Derek!"

"You despicable villains, you've already killed his brother, and now you're go after him!"

Having seen this sight, Ramie's heart tensed. The enemy group was large and powerful enough to annihilate the entire compound, if they were to disregard the losses, and decide to fight them out to death. As such, ramie caught this magician to use him as a bargaining chip, to extract the compound people from a battle that he knew it wouldn't end in their favor.

This was the only way he could think of to end this current dilemma.

However, Brian seemed to have something else in mind, as he exploded like a rampaging beast, disregarding the best interest of the compound people, and intending to kill the bargaining chip.

Looking at Brian, Ramie wanted to shout in warning, however, seeing the overwhelming radiating madness in his eyes, Ramie instantly knew… Brian had already made up his mind to kill, regardless of the cost. He had simply lost control.

With Ramie's remaining magic energy, he could only use his ghost glare spell one time. This one cast was a great essence to the compound, a trump card so to say, a one that he could use in a critical moment to impact the tide of the battle, to salvage the compound.

He hoped that if Brian kills this mage, and things get to worst, this one cast would be sufficient to end the battle.

After hearing the shouts from the enemy, and instead of cooling down, the fire of Brian's mad fury and hatred were fueled even more. Then, releasing an animal-like howl, he charged like a crazed monster from the group, before violently circulating his life energy, and unleashing a frenzied barrage of punches at the bloodline magician, whom had just fell from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Like a frustrated boxer venting his anger on a punching back, Brian unleashed the devastating power of lv.2 warrior, as he smashed down at Derek with a barrage of full powered punches that were energized with his maximum output of life energy.

Instantly, heavy, dull thuds sounded out, and small bursts of air bursted with every hit. Each punch carried a sharp killing intent and hatred that was like nothing else.

Any single punch of them was enough to smash a peak lv.1 warrior into meat paste. Yet, and shockingly, even in his defenseless state, Derek's chest didn't cave in as expected… all what the punches could do was to blast apart few scales and inflict none lethal damage to Derek's chest.

This caused Gregory who was rushing to stop Brian to freeze in shock.

It wasn't only Gregory, Ramie too; who had just been carried over, was stunned.

Brian's punches were the most powerful force anyone in the compound could output, as he was the strongest… and if even that didn't kill this mage in his defenseless state, then once the ghost glare spell wears off, there would be no stopping this bloodline magician anymore.

Truth be told, Derek had used his defensive spell twice, in his fight with Kevin, and a second time to defend against the arrows… hence, the compound side didn't have clue of how strong Derek's scale were, as no attack so far landed on them.

At once, Ramie and Gregory abandoned the 'taking hostage' strategy.

With this mage defensive might, they wouldn't be able to take him hostage anyway.

Having seen that his attacks weren't giving the result he was going for, and under the urgency of ramie's spell wearing off, Brian shook awake from his fury, and he regained his senses.

He realized that this manner of random attacks wasn't sufficient to finish off this mage in time. Hence, he decided to go for the weak points.

However, a moment afterward, and as if to confirm Gregory and ramie's fear, Derek's eyes snapped open…

The ghost spell effect, had worn off!