Ghost Tree vs Carnage Dragon (8)

Derek's eyes were completely bloodshot. His bloodline was overflowing him with throbbing blood thirst.

A moment ago, he was flaying, and shooting down piercing scales at the bloodline magician. Now however, he found himself lying on the ground, serving as a punching bag for the one he had been ridiculing.

He immediately sensed the injury on his chest, even without looking. In the end, even though his physical defense was quite abnormal, he was still Rank-1 magician. So, even if his opponents couldn't kill him, a considerable damage was still inflicted on his body.

He felt enraged!

Now, it had to be said; aside from the four spells that he unlocked from the artifact. He had the blood sacrifice innate spells, which in turn allowed him to get the bloodline artifact that contained the bloodline essence of the carnage dragon, which perfectly suited his aptitude. This beast apparently belonged to the extreme evil alignment, which also matched his inner, most concealed character.

His bloodline and his innate ability were perfectly synchronized, generating a synergistic effect. They gave him the ability to constantly increase his physical power and defense. The more he killed, and satisfied his bloodline urges of carnage, the stronger he becomes!

The synergy of abilities allowed him to grow stronger over time, even without training, as long as he kept killing!

This ability was completely monstrous!

However, that didn't mean that it had no limits or that his strength would increase infinitely. There were some restrictions. For example, his ability increases his strength significantly only when he kills strong opponents. Killing targets weaker than himself only gives him small boost.

Morphologicalyy speaking; as he grew stronger, his body grows bigger!

When he first got the artifact, he was 1.68 meter. However, and over time, his body grew to his current towering height.

As for the psychological side, his bloodline made his mental state very instable.

Also, after killing so many people and beasts, another drawback appeared.

Every once awhile, he'd suffer from an extreme mood swings that makes him excessively blood thirsty, and pushes his anger to exploding point.

To neutralize his emotions, he'd often abuse and beat up others to death over minor mistakes.

Most of the times, a mere look at him, a loud laugh in his presence, or any other minor annoyance would provoke his bloodline's wrath, leading to a sharp spike of temper, and threw him in a killing spree. This mental instability effect increased alongside his strength.

After some test outs, he figured that he had to indulge himself in a mass killing spree every once a while, to neutralize his mood. The targets could be either humans or beats, but, humans were generally better. Unfortunately, he had already cleared the area around the prison of all the weak hordes of beasts, which left people.

Actually, when he heard that his brother had been killed, and that the killers were found out, he was more exciting at the prospect of massacring the killers much more than feeling anger or grief for his brother.

In a moment, the carnage dragon bloodline raged over the humiliation, leading Derek to descend into another episode of madness.

A moment afterward, a killing intent that was so concentrated, that it almost was visible, flooded out of him.

In no time, a tangible chilling wave of suppression swept all around, enveloping everyone in the compound side, and throwing them in a state of trepidation.

Everyone's eyes went wide with fear, even Brian felt dread that was like nothing he ever felt before stirs up in his heart, completely forcing his anger out of him.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Derek finishes his words, three attacks landed on his head!

A whipping vine smacked at the back of his head…

A destructive punch smashed at his face…

A spear, cracking with lightning was thrusted at the back of head…

Ramie, Brian, and Gregory attacked at the same time, wanting to finish off this abnormally ruthless opponent.

They attacked the moment they saw him raise his hands with the scales pointing up.

They knew that he was going to launch his scale spell again. Thus, they acted without hesitation.

"You dare attack my son!!! Everyone, attack, annihilate these low lives, ATTACK, NOW!!!!"

A reverberating howl of fury came from the prison leader.

Following which, the towering body of earth giant abandoned his battle with the summoned beasts, and along with the rest, dashed toward the compound group.


Just as the prison masses attacked, the gazelle charged at the earth giant and unleashed his area of attack spell, Lightning shockwave, twice, to force the masses away.

As tire-2 beasts, all of the gazelles' innate spells were of the second rank. Hence, the destructive effect of this large scale attack was not something the rank-2 warriors dare to receive, not the mention the others.

At once, a shock wave comprised of intertwined electric arcs spread out, scattering away the entire prison group. The earth giant's body was filed with cracks, with many pieces of rock falling off.

Reem's face immediately paled. This spell's energy requirement was monstrous, and the gazelle could not use it again, for the fear of completely depleting his remaining energy reserve.

She orders the gazelle to cast it to buy them some time to settle the bloodline mage.

Receiving the three attacks, a thin energy membrane flickered around Derek's body, just before the three attacks fall on him. Apparently, and out of pure instinct, he had already casted his defensive spell.

The energy shield fluctuated, violently; however, it still didn't shatter. On the same time, Derek swung his pair of wings around, to push the attackers away. Afterward, he released two spells of piercing scales at Brian and Gregory.

Due to the close proximity, the scales accurately struck them both, causing them to grown in pain.

However, and luckily, their life energy prevented the scales from penetrating their bodies, thus limiting the injures to the surface.



Brian and Gregory disregarded the pain, and roared at the same time, while unleashing another round of attacks at the bloodline magician, to overwhelm and break his defensive spell with successive attacks.






Attacking from both sides, Brian and Gregory unleashed a frantic barrage of attacks at Derek's body, wanting to kill him before the support arrives.

On the same time, two slithering vines coiled around Derek's wings and squeezed them together, to prevent him from escaping through the air.

In a moment, Brian, Gregory and Derek sank into a savage, chaotic fight.

Intense tremors of air exploded all over, as punches and kicks flew everywhere.

Rage and ruthlessness filling his bloodshot eyes, Derek was swinging his hands frantically, sending relentless attacks at Brian.

On the same time, from the front, Brian was furiously barraging Derek with full powered punches, energized with life energy, all concentrated on his head.

From the back, Gregory was thrusting his spear at Derek's upper back, neck and head none stop.

Brian and Gregory were in a fight against time. They were struggling to kill this magician before the other side arrives.


Seeing the dangerous situation of his son, the prison leader roared out furiously. He could obviously see that his son has descended in state of madness, and even though he had instinctively casted his defensive spell, however, he was under siege and was receiving intensive attacks from two Lv.2 warriors. His defensive energy membrane was fluctuating intensely, at the verge of shattering.



Seeing that the ruthless bloodline mage was still enduring the assault, Brian and Gregory grew frantic.

They knew that if they didn't manage to kill him now, then it was the end game for the entire compound inhabitants.

Regaining some clarity in his eyes, Derek re-casted his defensive spell, and following which, the energy shield around him that was flickering at the verge of shattering immediately solidified, becoming firm.

Witnessing the scene, Brian's and Gregory's faces fell…

"Hehehe… you lose. Today, let me see who can save you from…"

Having seen the look of despair in their eyes, Derek grinned viciously at them, showing them his sharp teeth. However, before he could finish his sentence, his expression immediately turned blank, while his pupils dilated. The glow of light from his eyes completely disappeared…

At this sight, Brian's eyes regained confidence. At once, he shouted at Gregory: "quickly, throw me the spear!"

Without any delay, Gregory complied, throwing the spear that was crackling with lightening toward Brian.

Grabbing the spear shaft, Brian's eyes gleamed: "little Kevin, consider this my apology for involving you in his mess."

Circulating his life energy inside his body, invigorating power throbbed with intensity inside him, raising his muscles output to its max.


Hearing the overbearing words of the man that had first attacked, Brian's anger flared: "It was you lot who initiated this. NOW, open your filth eyes and watch, WATCH the consequences of your actions…!"

Roaring with seething anger, Brian gathered all the power he could muster, and then, he outburst it all, thrusting the spear with all of his might at the blood magician's exposed neck.


The earth giant issued an earth shattering bellow, a one that caused the very air to tremble with fear.

Derek had a black expression… as if he was in a deep coma. As a direct result, his defensive spell had completely shattered, due to him completely losing his focus.

He was completely defenseless. As such, he showed no reaction even as the thrust of death struck his neck.


With a sickening sound, the spear penetrated Derek's neck, emerging from the other side, and blood gushed out, splashing, from both ends.

The fresh blood sprayed Brian's face, making him appear especially savage and menacing. He looked like a beast that had just feasted on his prey.

"When you kill, you better prepare yourself to be killed." He uttered with ruthless expression.

Suddenly, the chaotic area turned silent. And a sudden gust of cold wind blowed at the area, causing both the hearts and bodies of the present people to tremble. The sudden shift chilled the hearts.

Thud, the towering body of Derek fell to the ground, lifelessly.

Inside the earth giant, the prison's leader expression alternated between extreme shock and fright for his son, he was struggling to accept the sight. His chest rose and fell so hard that it looked like it was going to burst: "You… actually...! You actually…! My son…"

Instantly, the prison's leader face went pale, his mind was buzzing with waves and waves of extreme pain. He was at the verge of mental breakdown.

His only remaining son… was killed!

It wasn't only him, everyone in prison side stared with shock at the scene.

The unbeatable and ruthless bloodline magician that not even the prison leader was able to defeat… was killed, just like that!