Chapter 2 : God Hongqi's Charity (1)

Xiulan's attention was glued to her laptop. The keyboard kept creating loud tick tacking sounds ever since she arrived in the office that late afternoon. All her employees and even her secretary were shocked when they saw her two hours before the employees' dismissal.

Xiulan's expression was both cold and irritated when she arrived in her company. Though she has an aura of a pissed off person, she still managed to greet them with a lazy and courteous smile.

When Xiulan sat on her office chair, her secretary Wang Dandan, immediately reported to her.

 While Dandan reports, Xiulan can only nod and meekly agreed to the things she says. Dandan found it really suspicious that her boss is really inexplicably quiet today.

"Something might have happened when she met the old man Song earlier." Dandan guessed.

Originally, Xiulan doesn't talk that much in the first place. Even though she is quiet, it was not awkward like now. She has an aloof personality but would still respond if someone tries to talk to her. Xiulan is actually friendly, she's just naturally quiet.

Right now, all Xiulan can do is nod and hum to Dandan's report.

Dandan went back to her table. After a few minutes, all the employees went to her side and bombarded her with questions regarding their beautiful aloof boss.

"What happened to our beautiful madam? It's my first time seeing her pissed off." one of the female employees gossiped.

"It is very rare to see her like that. She might have a poker face 24/7 but I prefer that than seeing her with a different expression. They said that the quietest and kindest people are very scary to anger." another female employee said.

"True! Did she go somewhere awhile ago? She was in the office so early in the morning then she went somewhere after lunch. Someone might have offended her or something." an employee added.

The female employees kept on chatting and gossiping about their boss when Dandan suddenly spoke.

"All of you should stop chatting. Boss is still human, of course she still has her bad days. Obviously, something happened and it's not our business to know the cause. All of you should go back to work." Dandan coldly scolded the female employees.

The female employees nodded and immediately dispersed and went back to their respective cubicles.

Dandan sighed and looked at her boss' door. She was worried. She hoped that her boss could overcome whatever hurdle she's currently in. Xiulan is a smart woman, she believes that her boss can overcome anything.

While inside Xiulan's office, she can actually hear the ruckus outside but she prefers to ignore it and put all her attention on her laptop.

Actually, Xiulan's attention is both on her laptop and on the events that happened two hours ago.


"Miss Xiulan is a person with few words? I like that." Hongqi's deep voice resonated with her thoughts. His voice was really charming and seductive.

But what caught Xiulan's attention was that dirty grin on his face and the double meaning in his words. It's like he's insinuating something. If this is another woman, they might have blushed.

Xiulan thought that this man has an outstanding talent in wooing a woman and also has a great talent in pissing her off. She suddenly felt disrespected but she chose to be quiet and not attack him.

She met countless of douchebags in her 28 years. Since she works in a male-dominated industry, she met all types of men already. Most of them are nerdy and nice, but still, there are still bad apples.

She never loses her cool and she rarely meets a person like him, a degenerate who would slip double meaning innuendos while they are in front of her father.

Xiulan felt that talking to this person will need a huge amount of energy. She doesn't know anymore if this is a casual talk or he's indirectly trying to offend her.

"I'm just very shy right now, Young Master Hongqi." Xiulan simply said and faintly smiled at him. Her nervousness was gone and she hopes that this meeting with this diabolic man finished already.

Hongqi's eyebrows raised. "Oh? Is that so." Hongqi said before sipping some tea. While drinking, he can't remove his grin. Dirty thoughts have flooded his head.

"Since we are getting married. It's fine not to be shy around me. Let's always meet to remove this tension." Hongqi suggested and stared at Xiulan's eyes.

Hongqi has this friendly and easy-going aura. He kept teasing Xiulan and made some uncomfortable flirting throughout their meeting. 

His eyes were glued on Xiulan's face then it would go lower and lower. When she raises her eyebrows at him, he will quickly mend it by smiling at her quite charmingly. It was really awkward since she never met a roguish person like him, ever..

For Song Yingpei, he was really happy with this development. He thought that Hongqi will be a difficult person when he meets Xiulan. It was like a huge block got removed from his heart when he saw how their conversation went smoothly. 

He was worried that Xiulan, who is naturally quiet, will have a hard time conversing with Xing Hongqi.

When Yingpei meets and pesters Hongqi for two years, the powerful youngster was always very cold and indifferent. He's also quite cruel. He was calm and collected but his mouth was like a poison.

That's why Yingpei expected that this first meeting might not be a success and he would try his best that the next meeting will progress to a better output.

But for an unknown explanation, Hongqi suddenly became very friendly and talkative. 

Yingpei thought that Xiulan might have attracted and got Hongqi's attention that's why there was a sudden change in his attitude. His heart was on cloud nine again just by thinking that.

Yingpei was extremely happy with this development. Hongqi even acknowledges that he'll get married soon. Yingpei felt like he won a lottery. He always wanted the best for Xiulan and Hongqi is the best person for his youngest bright daughter.

Yingpei was aware that Hongqi has a quite number of women out there. But Yingpei thought that his daughter is the best, she can change a man like Hongqi. The old Song was 100% sure that Xiulan can transform him into a better man.

The meeting ended and Hongqi left first since he still has a flight going to Singapore. Hongqi even gave a hug to Xiulan and stole a kiss on her forehead before he disappeared.

Xiulan was caught off guard and gave her father a questioning look if that was okay. Yingpei gave a thumbs up and his smile was excessively big, his mouth might rip off anytime.


Xiulan's thoughts of the events earlier were cut-off when the sound of a falling object echoed in her room. It was her mobile phone. It was on silent mode and kept on vibrating. The phone fell by itself due to vibration.

Xiulan went to get her phone and checked who the caller was. It was her good friend Wenyan.

"Hey, why are you calling?" Xiulan answered. She went back to her chair and browse some documents while waiting for Wenyan to talk.

"It just sinks into me that you'll be marrying God Hongqi. Like oh my Lord! Have you met him? Does he smell good? People said that the pictures and the videos on the internet didn't give any justice on his ethereal looks. Tell me!" Wenyan excitedly yelled. Her excitement was all over the place.

"Yes, I met him a while ago. Regarding his smell, I don't know but he's not stinky. My mind was preoccupied and wasn't able to be that attentive. Yes, he's really handsome and ethereal." Xiulan casually said and answered all of Wenyan's interrogating questions with a monotonous tone. Her expression was really bland like it didn't even bother her that she met a very important person a while ago.

"Ahhhh!! You met him?! Oh my God! Oh my God!! Ahhhh!" Wenyan screamed. Xiulan immediately moved the phone away from her ear. She slightly cursed Wenyan for suddenly screaming like a hog being eaten alive.

"Hey! Don't suddenly scream so loudly like that." Xiulan scolded Wenyan. It hurt her ears so much, she felt like she'll suffer hearing damage soon.

"Bitch! I can't anymore! I'm so happy for no reason. When is the wedding anyway? You better introduce me to him once I get back there!" Wenyan happily exclaimed. She can't control her ecstatic feelings.

"I don't know. We haven't talked about it yet and father said that it'll take a long preparation since both families are influential. I will meet him again soon once he comes back from Singapore. I will ask him and of course, I will introduce you." Xiulan promised. She was about to sign the document on her hand when Wenyan started screaming again.

"Ahhhhhhh! You'll meet him again that soon? You even know his schedule! Wow oh wow, Xiulan! This is unexpected." Wenyan can't help but scream like a hormonal teenager. She doesn't even know why she's very happy but she felt like a young teen and her best friend will finally get a boyfriend.

Wenyan is currently in that mood and it made him really happy. Finally, the aloof beautiful Xiulan will have a man! She must pray later and thank the Gods.

"You're weird. Why are you so happy? I don't know Hongqi's schedule, okay? He just said that before he bid goodbye." Xiulan started to become irritated. Xiulan thought that Wenyan is adding a different context. She also thought even her best friend worships Hongqi. "What's so good about him?" Xiulan grieved in her thoughts.

"Whatever. I'm just really happy! This time I'm the one who's going to support your love life. You've been supporting my hoe days ever since day one. Just tell me if there are women who try to snatch your man! I'm going to help you get rid of them." Wenyan declared. She will make sure that Xiulan will not shed a tear during her marriage. She must get all the good karma. No hoes can hurt her baby Xiulan.

"Thank you so much, brother. I will immediately report to you if that happens." Xiulan warmly said. She smiled and her heart feels full of Wenyan's words. She has been pestering her to date. Now that she's getting married and skipped all the basic stuff in dating. She now understands Wenyan's unexplainable excitement.

Her call with Wenyan ended. Since she's really tired from all the events happened today, she decided to go home. She only stayed in her office for three hours so when she tried to ride the elevator it was still jampacked. There were a lot of employees that did overtime.

She smiled at the employees inside the elevator and told them she'll ride the next elevator instead.

While waiting, two employees greeted her and also waited for the next elevator. The two employees suddenly explicitly talk about Hongqi and the popular sexy starlet, Gong Yuming. Xiulan's full attention went to the two employees.

"I heard that Gong Yuming landed a new role for a huge movie and she's even the face of Pior China now. Wow! It's all with the help of God Xing Hongqi." the female employee wearing red lipstick shared the news. Her tone had an obvious disgust mixed to it.

"I know right! If you're beautiful and sexy like her, you will get anything! Even a person like God Hongqi. I heard she is God Hongqi's new favorite. She better perform well or else God Hongqi will find a new favorite." the female employee that has a super bright pink blush on her cheeks slandered and giggled to her own wicked comments.

"I heard Yuming did a lot of effort just to meet Hongqi. That one meeting changed her life and now she's one of Hongqi's women. She's reaping all the benefits by just being Hongqi's woman. I'm really jealous! To think she's untalented and only has the visuals. Life is really unfair." the female employee sounded really jealous and depressed.

"Imagine having a wealthy, young and very handsome director to be your sponsor. You'll just be contented forever. No need to marry or have a serious relationship. But I heard some of his women who fell in love with him were dumped like trash. They became really clingy. At first, they only wanted his wealth, now they want his heart as well. Very greedy women."

"Ayah! Very greedy and shameless indeed. If I were them, I would just savor the moment being with him."

Xiulan can't help but ponder about the things she heard regarding Hongqi and his current favorite. Xiulan hasn't checked any information about Hongqi yet. She might do that tonight.

Xiulan pursed her lips just thinking about him. If he's currently dating then why did he agreed to marry her? Also, the way those two employees talked about the starlet Yuming, she seems to be a very cunning woman. Hongqi was really very generous as well. As expected from a God-like person, more of powerful because of money.

This added to her irritation. She was only irritated the way Hongqi indirectly tried to offend her earlier and now she kept hearing about his women. She doesn't care if he was wealthy or handsome. The fact that he tried to offend her and had the audacity to marry her even though he already has a girlfriend infuriates her more.

As possible Xiulan wants to avoid trouble with men. Problems like cheating and fighting mistresses were a huge pain in the ass to solve.

Her big sisters already had a fair share of experiences of mistresses who wanted to snatch their husbands. She saw how her sisters went crazy and pitiful. She doesn't want that kind of emotional baggage.

In her entire 28 years in this world, she never thought about love. Get married, yeah but no love. She never felt that heart-pounding feeling towards a person or even the need to be with someone romantically. Well, she felt nervous sometimes on some occasions but the feeling of falling in love was an alien life form for her.

She fell in love with her work, her computers, her cartoons, her family, her friends and a lot of things. But falling in love with a person romantically? She can't seem to fathom that.

Xiulan decided to ask her father about Hongqi one of these days. There must be some kind of mistake. Her father shouldn't involve her to a man who is currently in a relationship. She'll gladly like to fall in love with someone but not to a man like Hongqi.

Xiulan speculated that her father might have only looked at Hongqi's good side or he didn't do his homework was not aware of Hongqi's relationships.

She must at least get a reasonable information why she must marry a man like Hongqi.