Chapter 3: God Hongqi’s Charity (2)

When Xiulan went home, she went directly to her room and lie down on her bed for a while to rest her tired legs. 

She was wearing high heels since morning and she wasn't able to change in her office sleepers. Her feet were very sore.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, her body relaxed and her consciousness went to dreamland.

It was already morning when she woke up. She planned a lot of things on what to do during the night but she didn't expect the fatigue will catch up to her and knocked her out.

When she realized the sun rays were too bright, she immediately checked her alarm clock and it was already nine in the morning. She's late for two hours now. She quickly got up from her bed and went to the bathroom.

She didn't have any breakfast so her stomach was rumbling while she went to work.

When she arrived in her office, most of the employees were murmuring something when they saw her. She ignored the weird stares from them.

While she was waiting for the elevator, she heard incoherent whispers. She didn't bother to listen. Her attention is on her hungry stomach.

"Is it true that Gong Hongqi is dating our madam?"

"I heard from the receptionist that Hongqi sent a huge bouquet for her this morning."

"Wow, really?!"

Xiulan was oblivious of her surroundings. She didn't know that she was the hottest topic for the early morning gossip.

When she arrived at her office floor, everyone's head turn towards her direction and her employees gave her a meaningful look. She didn't read much their expression and she went directly inside her office.

Secretary Dandan quickly went after her to report.

When Xiulan steps inside her office, there was a huge rose bouquet at the center of her wooden mahogany table.

Xiulan gasped and wondered why there was a bouquet. She quickly turn around to ask Dandan.

"Dandah-ah, what the hell is this?" Xiulan pointed the flowers.

"Boss… Xing Hongqi sent those flowers this morning. There's a letter inside the bouquet." Dandan explained and pouted her lips to point where the letter was.

Xiulan raised her eyebrows and gave Dandan a confused expression before turning around to look for the letter Her mind was all over her hungry stomach that she already forgot about Hongqi.

"Why the hell did he sent me flowers?" Xiulan asked herself. She thought that Hongqi gifting her flowers this early was quite flashy and attention-seeking. 

The flowers looked expensive and most of the time, only celebrities get these types of flower arrangement. She felt bad that a huge amount of money went to something unnecessary.

Xiulan hastily grabbed the letter beside the bouquet and inspected it. The envelope was black and crested with golden ink. It was signed with "Xing Hongqi" on the back and in front of her name was written, "To Song Xiulan".

She opened the envelope and read the letter. The letter was also using a black paper and the letters were written in gold.

"My dear Xiulan,

I hope you will love this gift of mine. I can't help but think of you ever since yesterday. I'll be in Singapore for three days. Let's meet once I come back. I've written my number and I hope you will contact me soon.

From your husband"

She almost choked when she read the closing remark, she coughed horribly. Also, she felt all her body hair rise. The goose bumps were evident in her arms; she immediately brushed her skin to calm them down.

Xiulan thought that Hongqi was a really weird man and makes her cringe effortlessly. She frowned just thinking about him and the letter. He was definitely a two-faced businessman.

Xiulan put the letter inside her bag. No one should ever see such cringe-worthy letter.

She glanced at her secretary who is currently gaping at her. Dandan was so surprised by her Boss' very rare surprise reaction to Hongqi's letter. Dandan suddenly was curious what's written in that letter for her boss to react like that.

When Dandan saw Xiulan staring at her, she fixed her composure and cleared her throat. She apologized for her informal behavior and waited for Xiulan's next task.

"Dandan, please put the flowers in a vase. I bought a Victorian vase a month ago and I think it's inside the cupboards. Use that and put the flowers in the center of the mahogany table." Xiulan requested and gave her permission to go.

As soon as Dandan heard her task, she immediately started it.

Xiulan sat on her office chair to start working on the new game she was developing. She only did a draft of it a week ago and she never had the time to continue due to some pending paperwork and she had to deal with her father's extravagant requests.

Xiulan busied herself that she already forgot to eat her breakfast. She glued her attention to her laptop until she heard her stomach grumble really loudly.

She frowned and created a bitter expression on her face by the sudden surge of the acid in her stomach.

She looked at her office clock and it was already two in the afternoon. She quickly grabbed her bag and went to her favorite eating place.

While she was walking to her favorite place, she stumbled to a newspaper shop and a newspaper that has a very attention-seeking headline caught her eyes.

"While in Singapore, Xing Hongqi announced that he's getting married soon." written on the headline on the paper.

"Huh?!" Xiulan can't help but express her surprise and dismay. She wanted to grab the newspaper but she was afraid of what was written in there. She pulled out her phone instead and checked Weibo.

The top rank topic is Hongqi and also the woman named Gong Yuming.

"Wait... Are they the ones getting married?" Xiulan foolishly asked herself. She quickly clicked on the articles.

So far her name was not included in any of the contents. She felt relieved but the Gong Yuming was always mentioned. It was only a speculation that she's the woman Hongqi will marry.

So far her only concern is that her name might have been mentioned in these articles. She also remembered the flowers earlier. Someone from her company might gossip about it on the internet.

Xiulan suddenly felt very nervous. She can't help but sit in one of the sidewalk benches.

While biting her lips from the nerve racking feeling, Xiulan quickly pull out Hongqi's letter and checked for his number. She's now contemplating whether to call or send a message.

But if she only sends a message then it will take long and it will look rude. But if she calls, he might be in a meeting or he might not answer since he's a very busy person. Also he just released this juicy news, media outlets might be bombarding him for some exclusive interview right now.

After a minute of staring on her phone, she decided to send a message instead.

"Hi Young Master Hongqi, I would like to ask if you are available for a call right now? This is Song Xiulan." Xiulan sent. It was only a simple message but she feels her heart will jump out of her body from the tension. She was really worried that media attention might divert for her. She was never a fan of attention.

She heaved a long sigh before standing up and continue her walk to her destination. But after a few steps her phone started ringing.

It was an unregistered number but she clearly remembers those numbers, it was Hongqi's mobile number.

She's really very hungry right now and add this tension inside her made her weaker.


"Oh my dear wife, did you miss me?" Hongqi's baritone voice filled Xiulan's ears. His tone was really gentle and it has that endearing feeling to it.

Xiulan suddenly heard a "Woah" and "Wow" in the background noise. She could hear other people were present.

"What was that?" She subconsciously thought. The voices she heard were quite loud.

She cleared her throat and asked "I  wanted to ask about the articles that are trending right now. I wanted to confirm if this is about us?"

Well, she questioned him quite directly. But there was no time to sugar coat her inquiries. This is about her lifelong freedom from public's scrutiny. Her whole life she tried to be private as possible. Now that she's getting married to a very popular businessman, she thinks that all her efforts to hide from people were all in vain.

Xiulan heard Hongqi chuckled from her question. "What's funny?" She angrily thought.

"Oh my cute wife, of course it's about us. I released that information so you would call me. It's been seven hours since I sent the bouquet and letter but you haven't called me yet. I'm getting worried and jealous whoever has your attention right now." He sweetly and playfully said.

Xiulan suddenly wanted to vomit blood. "What's up with this man? Isn't this extreme? I only forgot to call him since I was really busy. But he has to reach this point so I could call him? Is he crazy?" Xiulan can't help but slander Hongqi in her head.

She was never good at slandering people directly and openly unless she has a huge grudge against that person. Like what she did back in college. It was a mess. Always bickering with women who troubles her because of men.

"Ah. I sincerely apologize for not calling immediately. The flowers were really beautiful and the letter touched my heart, I will treasure them. Thank you so much." Xiulan managed to construct words even though her head was full of foul slander against this man. It didn't touch her heart at all! It made her cringe!

"I would gladly spoil my cute wife." He endearingly said again. Xiulan felt that he's too flirty in this call and that gave off a double meaning! Xiulan cursed him again inside her heart.

"Thank you but there's no need to do that. But I would like to ask for a request if that is okay with you." Xiulan bit her lips. She was really afraid to talk to him while she's hungry, she might lose her cool! Especially that this man gave off double meaning words. It irritated her so much since she can't rebuke his words.

"I just said that I will spoil you, right? Tell me what you want, I can give you everything." Hongqi arrogantly said but the seduction in his voice is also present.

He sounds like an old man ready to buy any woman he wants. Xiulan can't help but curse this man more. She can already imagine that dirty grin on his face while he said that.

"It's regarding the articles. As possible I would like to keep my identity unknown until we are officially wed." Xiulan requested. She also hopes that this man will approve her small request.

"But wife… I want everyone to know you and that I am your man. I want each person in China to know that you are mine. Honestly, you're making me sad right now. Are you embarrassed that I'm your husband?" Hongqi sullenly said. 

Xiulan's scalp went numb. She suddenly feels afraid that Hongqi might get mad at her. Of course, he was the wealthiest and powerful personality in two cities. It's pretty hard to offend an oligarch at this moment especially that she doesn't want to burden her family, specifically her father.

But she's also mad and angry at him for saying such nonsense! But she must not reveal her innermost feelings right now.

"We aren't even married yet but he kept saying a wife and husband. Damn it." Xiulan wanted to shout but all she could do is complain inside her thoughts and heart.

"Seriously? Is this man really the God Hongqi they worship so much? He sounds like a freaking child!" Xiulan can't help but slander him more.

"I didn't mean that, my dear husband." Xiulan finally surrendered and played along. She does not want to offend him especially that he's really a powerful man. 

"I'm a really low profile person and before our wedding, I would like to have some peace at least. My husband is a very famous man. Of course I'm proud that you are my husband! It just that I want my life to be peaceful before our wedding." Xiulan politely and carefully explained. She wanted to vomit blood and cry but there are no tears to produce. Only a nervous heart and hungry stomach are present right now.

"Ahh… I see. I understand now. But I really want to reveal your name. Ahhh~ what should I do? This is your entire fault that you are so charming and beautiful. My heart can't help but shout for you." Hongqi lovingly said and at the same time accused her.

Xiulan doesn't know how to react anymore.

"I will do what you asked but you must follow whatever I say, okay? Is that a deal?" Hongqi shamelessly said.

"Ah this man! So manipulative! With just a simple talk, he managed to make me speechless and get entangled to his demands. This is scary." Xiulan angrily thought. It was only a simple talk but why did she end up following his demands? What sorcery?

"Definitely. Of course, my husband!" Xiulan can't help but agree. She's now doomed and has officially entered his trap.

"Good. See you soon, my wife." Hongqi grinned and bid his good bye.

Xiulan felt dumbfounded after their talk. She scratched her head from frustration and lazily stands up and walks. It must be because of the hunger that's why she agreed to a lot of nonsense that man has said.

She was disappointed with herself. This is not the usual her. She will eat a lot of beef today to remove her stress. She never felt this kind of frustration.

It was a long walk before she reached her favorite restaurant. It was hidden from the luxurious buildings of district Y and a person has to pass a large garden just to get there.

It was only a small ramen house with only a few customers, mostly old people. She really loves eating in this place since it was peaceful and it wasn't crowded. It was the best place to eat right now to calm her heart and nerves.

The old lady owner knew her ever since her university days. The old lady was actually the mother of her university classmate whom she was very close with. Unfortunately, that classmate of her died very early from a car accident. Her classmate was an only child.

Xiulan felt devastated and sad for the family her classmate left. So she decided that she would accompany the old lady through always eating in her humble restaurant.

"Xiu Xiu is here." The old lady beamed and greeted Xiulan.

"En." Xiulan answered her with a beautiful smile.

The old lady grabbed her hand and escorted her to sit on her usual spot that has the view of the beautiful flowerbed of the restaurant.

"You didn't come here yesterday. You were on a date, aren't you? It was the first time that you didn't have your lunch here." the old lady teased.

Xiulan grinned "Not a date but meeting my annoying future husband instead." Xiulan confessed.

"Eh?? You're getting married? Oh my!! Congratulations!" the old lady was beaming and happily held her hands. The old lady's eyes were kind of teary as well.

"Why are you crying?" Xiulan worriedly asked.

"No, these are happy tears. I have always prayed that you will get married soon. You are like my daughter already and receiving this great news made me really happy." The old lady honestly confessed.

Xiulan felt her heart flutter and warm. She suddenly thought of her old classmate. If she was alive and got married, she bet that the old lady will be ten times happier.

Realization suddenly hit Xiulan. Her father was also happy and she knew that her mother was also happy from the idea that she's getting married soon.

But why is everyone happy while she felt nothing?

Maybe because her future husband is really irritating. But even before she met Hongqi, she thought that arranged marriage was just an inconvenience. Two people were forced to be together through a contract. Eventually, they will either be together forever or separate. Xiulan thought that she didn't have that much energy to be in that kind of situation.

Though, she managed to open her thoughts regarding arranged marriage now since she understands her parents' point. They were only afraid that she will be alone. Also seeing the people who thought of her dearly are very happy with this news slightly convinces her to just tie the knot and worry later.

Xiulan suddenly felt pressured. She has this conflicted urge to say no to this marriage since all of the answers in her head are not enough. But at the same time she just wants to say yes so everyone can always have this smile on their faces and avoid inconveniences of meeting future marriage prospects.

Also, either she agrees or not, their wedding will still continue anyway.

Xiulan suddenly thought why she has to put all of her energy in this decision making when she already knows the answer.

That's right. She already played along with Hongqi's childish tantrums awhile ago. She'll just have to tolerate him. She doesn't have to love him too.

She only has to be a dutiful wife. It's like a new persona.

Xiulan smiled at the old lady again and said "Thank you so much. I'll try my best to be a good wife."