Story Time


Tokyo,Japan 12.30pm

Akihabara at a random street

Karma Toketsuki's Pov


I was just walking home while chatting with my friends after a celebration.We celebrated our graduation from Hell(School).Me and my bros hated school as we felt that school restricted out freedom too much and is boring.

We were part of a cca club called the Anime Club.What we did in club was self explanatory:watch anime,discuss about anime,sometime cosplay.

During our walk,we reflected on our experiences in the club and the fun we had with each other.We were known in school for being otakus which really didn't do anything but improve our bonds with one another .

We remembered about all the fun times we had with each other,the troubles we had with the teachers and how we stood up for each other against the bullies.

Unknowing,all of us were holding back our tears due to the close friendship we all shared.The atmosphere was solemn and depressing due to us knowing we may not see each other anymore due to our dreams.

Sure,we may be otakus but don't underestimate us!We were the top in our classes.Due to our dreams and aspirations for the future being different,we may not meet each other again unless we called each other to set up a meeting.

The club leader was called Alvis Masami. He was a tall guy who gave out a wild feeling.He was an extrovert who often planed parties out for celebrations for us.He stood at a whopping 1.9 meters.He towers over me and i often felt inferior due to the height difference.He noticed this and encouraged me.He wears a black T-shirt with jeans.He and Andrew are the most sporty among us.

The Vice leader was Takami Rikado.He was the strictest among us and was the only one who could rein in Alvis.He often stops Alvis' shenanigans and set the clubs activities.Although he may sound fierce,he actually is fun to hang out with,just that he take school seriously.He also gets the highest grades among us.He often wear formal attire during our outings although he also sometimes wear casual clothing too.

Andrew was a foreigner who transferred into our school 3 years ago.Although he was shy at first,after a week of getting to know each other,he opened up to us and showed us his love for sports anime.It would thus make sense that he is rather sporty.He loves the color turquoise and many of his clothing have the color.

Lastly,my bestie,Kagami! Kagami and I are about the same height.He shares his introvert with me and we often hit the library together to read books.He prefer Manga while i prefer Novels though.Other than that,we mostly share our interests.Not that I'm gay,but if he was a girl I'd have already confess to him.Both of us prefer plain clothing so we mostly shop with each other.I repeat,we are not gay.

My family was normal,except maybe being wealthier then others.This was with the case for my bros too.We'd lend each other money without any questions asked unless it was a large amount.

My father was a famous violinist and my mother was a popular actress and model.Our parents were friends and worked with one another which may explain our deep friendship and appreciation of one another.

My friends wanted to be like their parents and aspire to be as successful if not more than them.It was then i realized that i had no real goals in life.

I dislike modelling and acting as I felt that there would be restrictions to my freedom.

For playing instruments?I do appreciate them and i can play most instruments to a professional level but I'm not sure that it was the correct career choice for me to take. I felt stressed at the prospects of having to choose a career choice to pursue.

It was times like this that drew me to anime and novels.It allows me to get rid of all my stress and anxiety while immersing myself in wonderful worlds.

I do confide my worries to my parents and friends.My parents,although disappointed that i didn't follow in their footsteps,encouraged me to slowly find my career path and enjoy it.My friends told me,why not be an author?

They know I have a passion for light novels and anime thus they encouraged me to pursue that path due to me having passion for it.I was thankful for the advice and support i got from my parents and friends;especially my parents as i did not want to let them down.

With that said,I was going to send a draft of my new novel to a publishing company to allow them to review it and hopefully get it published as a debut book.