Note for overlord

Guild: Void Travelers


Karma : 75 (100)

Samurai 15,Sword master 10,Sword King 10,Sword Emperor 10, Sword Saint 10,Sword God 5,World Champion (5),World Guardian 5,Blacksmith 5(15),Magical Blacksmith (5),weapons craftsmen(5),Weapon specialist (5)

Floor Master: 8th 9th

Momo: 60

Apprentice Mage 15,Arcane Magus 10,Elemental 10 ,Holy Mage 15,Saint 10 ,Genesis Magus(5),Magus God(5),world champion(5),Alchemist (15),Herbalist (10)

Floor Master: 6th 7th

Hashirama: 60 (5)

Shinobi 15,Assassin 10,Shadow Manipulator 10,poisoner 10 ,Night Lord 5,Night God 5,World champion(5),Monk (15),Martial Arts Master (10),Combat specialist (5),Thief (10)

Floor Master: 4th 5th

Erina: 60

Apprentice mage 15,Destructive Magus 10,Poison Magus 10,Plague 10,World Disaster 5,Chef 10(15),Magic Chef (10),Knife master (5),Huntsmen (15),World Champion(5)

Floor Master: 2nd 3rd

Rindo: 60 (5)

Archer 15,bow master 10,Long Bow master 10,Sniper 5,Tamer 15,beast tamer(10),God of the Wild(5),World Champion(5),Parkour master (15), Speedster (10)

Floor master: 1st 10th

Floor Theme: 1st-4th floors being Hell,5th-8th floors being Yggdrasil and the 9th-10th floors being Heaven.

1-4 Hel (Hell)

5-8 Midgard (Yggdrasil)

9-10 Asgard (Heaven)


The elf king,Alevion Silveric

The elf queen,Eleonora Diamonia

9th floor guardian and envoy,Uka-no-Mitama,Izu Haruka.

1st floor guardian,Arch-Devil,Mesphosis

2nd floor guardian,Doppelganger

3rd floor guardian,doppelganger,Demon Lord,Demonic Fire Dragon Lord

4th floor guardian,Titanoboa snake,Nine tailed fox (Kurama),