School and making friends

As me and Shoto follow our mother to the school,I check the bloodline Shoto got from me.It was vampire (modified).(Izza,why is his vampire bloodline modified?)]It is because it came out of Alucard's bloodline.This naturally made his bloodline more powerful and in turn get rid of some major weaknesses such as sunlight.](Luckily his weakness to sunlight is gone.Would not know what to expect if he had it.)

When we arrived at our class,me and Shoto were surrounded by girls.Shoto himself was handsome but I too,was handsome.

A slightly pale skin tone,ashen black hair with scarlet red eyes.These features along with a plain uniform made me quite mesmerizing,along with my charismatic and noble aura from my bloodline and conqueror's haki,made others look at me twice.In this timeline,although our father Endeavor trained us a year earlier,the incident that will burn Shoto's face have not happened yet,confusing me.

From the corner of my eye,I spot my waifu.Yep,this was a factor in why i wanted to reincarnate here first.My waifu,Momo Yaoyorozu looks at me and as our eyes locked onto one another,she blushes slightly.When i first watched and read the manga,I immediately felt a connection to Momo.Her personality was great for me;a so called 'bouncy' one.Being able to naturally insult people while not being malicious was funny to watch at first.Until it struck me;what if i had been living like that for my past life?Was that why some people just hated me for no apparent reason?

With that in mind,I stood up from my seat (I was seated next to Shoto.) and walked over to her with a smile.

"Hi,how are you?I'm Karma Todoroki. What's your name?"I politely asked,hoping to strike a good first impression.In my past life,i mostly hang out with my bros;not being popular with girls at all which made me a little inexperienced with interaction with girls.

"I'm Momo!"she replies with a bubbly tone."Is Shoto really your twin?You guys look so different!"she asks with intrigue to the difference of our looks."Well yes.We are twins.I guess due to the quirks we look quite different."I replied with slight annoyance.During the little time I've been here,I've had been bombarded with many questions pertaining to that topic which was,as you guessed it,frustrating."Do you wanna play?""Sure!" with that,we started to play with one another.

Come to think of it,Momo's quirk is similar to my original quirk.Mine allows me to change the molecular structure of things while Momo allows her to create things by understanding the atomic configuration of it. Though,it may not seem that way,my quirk can basically counter her quirk due to me being able to manipulate the atoms in her items which would change the atomic sequence of it which would thus render her unable to create or use it properly.

She created a plastic ball while i changed the atoms and changed it so that it can bonce like a basketball and we experimented on other things too.We were quite engrossed at what we were doing that we didn't notice a crowd of classmates gathering around us,observing what we were doing."Can we play too?""Yea,can we?""Let us play!Let us play!"Some of them asked and to answer them,we created some obejects and i randomly manipulated the atoms of said objects and tossed them at the other children.I made sure i didn't change the atoms to be dangerous;so don't worry.

"Lets be friends!"my classmates asked me and i happily complied.After all,who would want to be a loner for 2 lives?This life,i wanted to make sure to have plenty of friends and to have lots of fun so as to not have any lasting regrets.Not that i had any when i died but you get the point.