Mr. Nakamura letting out a red dragon from his mouth

"*Ahem"an aged voice faked clearing his throat to gather our attention.It was our teacher,Mr.Nakamura."You guys will have plenty of time to chat and play with each other later during your break time.Now its time to learn new things!Get back to your seats and open up your textbooks to page 5 chapter...."I ignored him.He literally rambled on and on and on for what seemed like an hour before.."Karma Todoroki!Are you paying attention!?"He shouted at me when he noticed i wasn't paying attention.It was a rhetorical question as it was obvious that i wasn't but i answered "Yes teach.I am.""Then what is the answer to question 269!?"

(Wow!How many questions are there?Geez, what a pain.)I thought,slightly shocked at the number of questions.I then answered without any problems as these questions were basically asking '1+1=?' to me.I then answered "The answer is 26!May i please seat down now,Mr Nakamura?" He was slightly stunned when he saw me looking at the question for a few seconds before giving the correct answer."Alright then."He admitted defeat.


1.Humiliate Mr.Nakamura so bad that he vomits blood.

Reward:1x Ability upgrade token

2.Ask a question which Mr.Nakamura can not answer.

Rewards:1x Gacha spin,100 Sp.

(O_O)As i got the quest,I felt pity for Mr.Nakamura. Getting humiliated by a kid on the first day of class in front of other kids was well,humiliating and quite shameful.Hopefully he won't bear a grudge with me.Not only that,he is going to vomit blood.It was from this point onward that i vow to never go against the system.Who knows what is going to happen to me if i were to argue with it.

"Mr.Nakamura!"I shouted whilst raising my hand."Yes?Is there any problem?"He asks,not expecting anything at all.(Would Doctoral Degree level questions suffice?Hopefully)"I asked a doctoral test level question.(A.n : randomly select one of these lol. Link: xD)"

It was then I heard a marker dropping.I saw Mr.Nakumura with his eyes threatening to pop out of their sockets,jaws so open that you could fit a baby in it (Pls dont) speechless.

[Quest Completed]

2.Ask a question which Mr.Nakamura can not answer

[Obtaining rewards...Reward Geto! 1x Gacha spin,100 Sp]

"Mr.Nakamura?Can you tell me the answer please?"I asked 'politely' and 'full of innocence' while pitying him inwardly.(I'm so sorry but i'll have to humiliate you completely)As i prayed for his well being,I poured salt over his wounds."Mr.Nakamura,I found that question in a primary schoolbook.Did you not go to primary school? or is the question i asked too hard to answer?Don't worry Mr.Nakamura,you don't need to answer it."

Mr.Nakamura's face was getting redder and redder,even more red than a tomato until he heard my last sentence,sighing with relief.Thinking,(That stupid child,how is that even a fcking primary school question.I don't even understand the terms in that question!).That was,until i continued "Don't worry Mr.Nakamura,I can ask my 11 year old sister for the answer since you are so unreliable."

It was then i saw him snapping his marker in half,his body visibly shaking,his face becoming pale,which was odd as his face was red beforehand.

He made a gurgling sound and then turned his head to look at the ceiling.We were unsure of what he was doing,until it happened.He lets out a dragon's roar,a crimson red color,nearly reaching the ceiling before fainting.

Well,the thing that came out wasn't so much a dragon's roar but was just blood.I think i may had gone too far.Slightly too much."Slightly too much!?Do you think you really went a little bit too much?!" I thought i heard something but could not find who the voice came from.(Must be just my imagination..)

Well,the girls screamed in terror as this was their first time seeing something like this while the boy though it was a real dragon's roar.The immature ones anyway.I picked up my phone,called the hospital and explained the situation and withing minutes they arrived.Well,class ended early and thus everyone got early dismissal while the parents got a call explaining what had happened.

"Where do you guys live?"Momo asked me,wanting to play more with us.I told her where me and Shoto live and went home.On the way back,Shoto asked me"Bro,how did you even do that""Nothing much.I merely asked him a question i saw online.I don't even know the answers lol.Its his retribution for trying to embarrass me in front of class by calling me out."I replied nonchalantly.

[Quest Completed]

1.Humiliate Mr.Nakamura so bad that he vomits blood.

[Obtaining Rewards...Reward Geto! 1x Ability upgrade token]

Well,at least I gained something from this endeavor.Wonder what would happen to him.Hopefully he is fine.