Getting a World Quest (2/2)

As we did,the ground started to shake more,as if signalling there was really a massive beast slumbering from within the ground.A white flash passed by us.We were blinded for a few moment which was uncommon as we would normally not be affected by light sources.We heard a *Crack sound and the sound of glass shattering.

"Kukuku...It seems as if I have visitors.....I'll let you live as you will all be the witnesses to my glorious revival!"A sudden voice came out of nowhere.*Boom!Something huge came out of the ground and the whole region started shaking.

"I wonder.....if this world have anyone powerful enough to kill me remaining.....It seems that we'll meet again soon....."The Ancient voice sounded out.

As we looked up,we realized the being who was speaking with us:A mighty Dragon,a Dragon with black scales and purple eyes.As we looked at this dragon,I was shocked to realized that it was one of the 'Eight Dragons'.Its race was a Shadow Dragon.

As we stood there unmoving,the Dragon notices my strength."It seems that you are capable enough to fight against me.....but you won't right now."He says,as he notices the strength of my girls.

"If we meet again,lets fight to the end,no limitations!My name is Karma!Remember this name for it shall be the one who'll slay you!"I answered back,my answer seeming to please the dragon as he gave me a laugh and flew away.

As that shadow dragon flew away,massive winds were generated and I had to use my powers to protect the others."Remember my name.....Jormungandr the Shadow Dragon of the Apocalypse!"He let out a loud roar at the end of that sentence.

Calling that Roar loud was a massive understatement though,as that roar,although from possibly hundreds of miles away,still destroyed the local terrain we were in currently.

Although Jormungandr was really the name of the Midgard Serpant,it for some reason is a dragon.Oh well,anyways,we were then teleported to the closest safe zone which was a rather high level zone,the monsters being level 45 or above.

It didn't matter to us as we could still easily kill those monsters but we were still standing still at the notifications the system gave us.

[Player "Karma" have challenged Jörmungandr,the Shadow Dragon of Apocalypse!] Yep,for some reason,the Developers decided to send this announcement out to everyone in the game.I'm sure that in the forums,people would be asking many questions.

Not only that,I also gained a hidden title!It was 'Dragon Fighter'.It gave me a buff of having my reputation increased which gave me some hidden benefits all the while boosting my damage against Dragon type monsters,including World Bosses that were classified as Dragons.


Info:The Shadow Dragon of Apocalypse,Jörmungandr,have destroyed the bindings that have kept him sealed for a millennium!Due to your strength,he deemed you worthy of an opponent and thus had accepted your challenge for a fight to the death!


Objectives:Find Jörmungandr and slay him,alone.

Completion: ??? Class,Dragon Slayer title,World Class Item and reputation with Good Npc + 1000

Failure:Calamities will Hit Midgard,Reputation with Good Npc - 1000, -45 level,??? Debuff

Time Limit:1 Week


I also got this insane quest.Well,I'll just have to grind until I reach level 50 or so and then go find Jörmungandr and slay him.The time limit would make things tough but thankfully the world was limited to Midgard which made my life easier as well,it was easy to find a Huge Black Dragon about the size of an Island in this world rather then in Helheim.