
[Momonga:Dude!What was that notification about?]

[Touch Me:What was that Shadow Dragon?!]

[Karma:Let me explain:Basically,Me and my girls were adventuring and we arrived at some weird place and then the ground started to shake and than a white light came at us and Bam!A huge ass dragon outta nowhere!I then challenged him and he laughed and then he flew away whilst announcing his name.Then that announcement came from the system!I also gained a quest to kill him though.]

[Touch Me:So.....You're insane....(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻] I could almost see Touch Me's Avatar sweating bullets through the screen.

[Momonga:Aren't Dragons like,the strongest?Σ(゚Д゚;] I swear I could hear his shock from the message itself as if we were next to each other.

[Karma:Yep.And guess what?I have to kill him Solo.(⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚] I sent an emote at the end of the message.

[Momonga and Touch Me: .....Good luck....] with that,our messaging ended.Welp,I turned to my girls and told them about the details of the quest and gave them some experience potions that will last them for a few days as well,we'll have to go on our separate ways for now.

From this I hope that the girls' teamwork will improve and their relationship will reach another level.Well,I bid them farewell and told them if they had anything to say,they could just tell me offline,in real life.

Anyway,I teleported into a Zone with high level opponents,them being about level 75.I then popped a potion and started grinding for the day.After 5 hours of grinding,I ended my gaming session to find my girls eating some cake.

(Do they like cake that much?)I questioned myself as I was walking towards them and asked if they were alright and asked what had happened during the time I was away from them.It seemed that some guys tried to flirt with them.

Momo ended up killing them in a single punch,although she was a mage.When I heard that,I prayed for those poor souls.Then again,they did deserve it,afterall,they went for my girls.

With that out of the way,I had reached about level 40,adding 5 levels into Sword Master and gained a new class,Sword King.I added 10 levels into it which gave me some new skills that branched off into four main categories: Speed,Power,Technique and Defensive.

I went for Speed and Power.That will allow me to output a tremendous amount of Damage and will allow me to increase my DPS (Damage Per Second).As For techniques,after the 'New World' comes,they would be useless as I could just buy a sword inheritance from the system and other techniques that would allow me greater skills.Same goes for defensive type.

Why not do the same for Power and Speed?Well,the power segment would allow me to use more deadlier skills while the speed would allow for quicker moves which would increase my arsenal in real life all the while allowing my character in game to dish out more damage.

As for the girls?They worked on their teamwork and had cleared a Dungeon,gaining some loot and Gold.They reached level 26 and had place the rest of their levels into their classes respectively.