Killing the Frost Giant!

After drinking some potions to recover my lost heath,I joined back the fight.However,to be honest,I was not needed as well,the Giant couldn't move anymore which meant that it became a punching bag for the others.

I gave out a hollow laugh and sat down to watch Momo,Erina and Rindo kill the Frost Giant.Rindo was turning the Giant into a pin cushion while Momo and Erina were spamming spells at it.I didn't have any ranged skills which meant that I would be left out of the fight which was really depressing.

Anyway,Momo landed the finishing blow which thus spells the end of the boss battle.It had an epic start only for it to end anti-climatically.*Sigh,as I let out a sigh,I checked the system logs for the loot that we gained.


712 x Frost Giant's Hide

2 x Frost Giant's Eye

100 x Frost Giant's Icicle Beard

300 x Frost Giant Blood

100 x 100000 kg Frost Giant Meat

6 x Frost Giant's Nails

1 x Frost Giant's Heart

1 x Frost Giant's Brain

1 x Frost Giant Essence


Huh,we gained some good loot I guess.Anyway,I turned to the other girls and smiled at them.They returned the smile and gave me a thumbs up to showcase their satisfaction from the boss fight.Anyway,after that boss battle,we took a slight break,about 1 hour of it.

We recovered from the fight and thus started to walk out of this zone.While doing so,I checked my level and it was at level 53.I checked with the other girls and it seems that the rest had also reached level 53,with the exception of Momo,who is now level 55.

With that said,we still had 4 hours more before we have to make dinner.As we still had quite some time,we decide to go for our class advancement quests.I got the 'Poisoner' class and maxed it out.I then went for the 'Night Lord' class.Although I wanted to go for the 'Night God' class,I didn't know where the shrine for it was.

That meant that I would have to wait for Karma to come back so that he could teleport me to the testing area.Momo went for the 'Holy Mage' and 'Saint' class,allowing her to be more of a supporter type person.

Rindo maxed out her archer class and then took on the 'Tamer' class in order to help her deal with melee monsters or players.As for Erina,she went and the 'Plague' class and planed to get the 'World Disaster' class.

It was slightly difficult for her too get the 'World Disaster' class as its firepower was really insane.Although it thankfully ran out of mana in the middle of the fight,Erina insisted that she could've won even if the 'World Disaster' Npc still had Mana left.

With that,all of us logged out of the game and started preparing dinner to eat.*Ka chink! It seems that Karma finally logged out of the game as his room door finally opens,revealing his body.