The Guild!


Dwarvin,Yggdrasil 5.30pm

Capital City of Dwarvin,Steelum

Karma Todoroki's Pov


I then used 'message' to contact the girls.It seems that they were relaxing,killing some monsters to gain levels.I told them that I'll be creating the guild right now as the invites to guilds were annoying me.

They replied with a thumbs up and told me that they were ready for my invite.I then created the guild and invited them into the guild.They accepted the guild invite and I made them the Co-leaders of the guild.

We then spent some time discussing about the guild emblem.It turned out to have a Crescent Moon on the bottom with a half sun on the top of the emblem.In the middle,there was a black space,signalling the void.I placed some white dots in the space to signalize stars.

At the right and left sides,there were swords with shields,symbolizing our strength in attacking and defensive powers.In the middle of it all,there laid a tree,its roots on the moon and its branches supporting the sun.

That was our emblem.I myself was very proud of this emblem.The girls agreed with me on how the emblem was amazing.With that,I set the guild description as:The home of the Irregularities.This is to house many like minded people who wish to live life traveling without any hindrances.We are also powerful,powerful enough that the world trembles upon hearing our names!

The main goal of this guild is to allow people to have fun,yet,its members are not to be trifled with.I asked the girls for their opinions which Momo answered:"Isn't the guild supposed to be for us only?"I replied,"I felt that only having 5 members would be a bit...lonely. :D"

I swear I could hear snickering from the other side of the screen."Alright.I feel that this would be great."Hashirama replied.

Anyway,I teleported to their location which was 'Barina city'.It was an intermediate level city with monsters about level 50 around the area.As I arrived,I asked the girls:"What level have you all reached?"

When I heard their answer,I nearly fell.(Gosh,was leveling that easy?I killed a World Enemy just to get to this level!)The girls were at level 55!Momo was at level 56 but still,quite high leveled!They then revealed how they managed to do so.(How Lucky for them to find that much monsters in a moment...)

Anyway,with that said,I asked if they all got their classes,which everyone except Hashirama said yes.I asked Hashirama what class she was missing."Night God".She replied.I sighed and teleported her to the Shrine of the Night God and told her to 'do your best as I won't be able to help you if things go south!"

She nodded,knowing what will happen as I had briefed her beforehand about this.I gave her Divine grade gear so that she could match against the Night God's gear.If Miyamoto Musashi had Divine gear,who's to say that the Night God won't?