Killing some players and the Arrival of a New God!

With that,Hashirama walked up to the shrine and entered it.We could not interfere with the fight or really do anything so we stood outside,waiting for her to emerge from the other space.With that,I took out a table and some chairs under the questioning gazes of Rindo,Erina and Momo.

"I took quite some time before I was done with my fight with Miyamoto Musashi.She'll probably take longer."I answered,as I took out some food items to eat in game.They sat down and did the same.Under the 'Party' tab,I could see that Hashirama's Hp had reached 20k.Her max hp was 24k.

This meant that she had already engaged with the Night God.Although I knew that Hashirama was strong,I still hoped that she'll win as well,we don't know how strong the Night God was.While thinking about this,my attention was bought to the fact that a group of players were comming to our direction.

I stood up with my girls doing the same.We prepared our weapons,pointing them at the approaching group of players.I stored the table and chairs,including the food.Then,just as I was finished,the group of players immediately arrived.

"Who are you guys?!"I questioned.They gave me a smirk as they looked at our gear."Hand over you gear if you wish to stay alive!"the middle guy who seemed to be the leader of the group instructs us.I mentally face palmed and looked over to the girls,telling them to pick a target.

The total amount of players in the group numbered 20 players.I 'messaged' them that I'll take down 10 and let the other 10 be handled by them.They nodded and I charge at them."You think your group of 4 can k-"Before that guy could continue mocking us,I had already decapitated him.

The reason there was a group of players here was probably due to this area being low leveled.The monsters here were about level 20,which meant that the group was probably about level 25.This basically spelled out one word:"Massacre".

Rindo summoned her Tamed beasts to help her fight as she was firing arrows at the enemies while Momo and Erina was unleashing spells at them.None of us held back in this fight as we were in a party.

Due to us being in a party,we could not hit each other as we weren't above a certain party limit.However,for that group,as they were above the limit,they could accidentally kill each other.This made the fight even more chaotic.

In about 30 seconds,the fight concluded with us not receiving any damage at all.Rindo Tamed beasts kept the opponents away from her,Momo and Erina.Erina fired off a 'Poison Gas' which made them die quickly due to Dot (Damage over time) while Momo fired off a 'Fire Annihilation' at them,wiping them off the face of Midgard.

As for me,they couldn't even hope to damage me even if I were to stand completely still. With that said,we didn't receive any penalties from killing those players as they had red names,signalling the fact that they had killed other players.

With that said,a bright light shone and a system notification popped up.[Congratulations to Hashirama!As she have defeated the previous Night God,she is now the new Night God!]With that,we knew the outcome of the fight.

"Woah,you defeated the Night God in 30 seconds?!"Rindo exclaimed,excited at Hashirama's new class."Huh?!I swear the fight was 30 minutes!"Hashirama answered."I think there is a time dilation due to the space being different."I answered.They gave it some though and nodded.