Entering the Second Zone!


The Rainbow Bridge,Yggdrasil 1.00pm

Second Zone of The Rainbow Bridge

Karma Todoroki's Pov


It seems that Hashirama had finally dealt with the boss as she was coming towards us.She took over my position as I moved forward,unleashing one of my AoE attacks.'Dimensional Render!'The attack managed to cleave through the monsters as if the skill was a hot blade slicing through butter.

This reduced the pressure the girls had from the monsters by an insane amount as well,I killed most of the monsters with that strike.The only reason I didn't do this earlier was because Hashirama wasn't done killing the Boss.

With that,I went to the rear to take a break.Although it may seem bad of me to make the girls do most of the killings,it was so that they would get stronger.This was because as we go deeper into the dungeon,the monsters and Bosses would get more stronger.

This meant that they would have to increase in strength if they were to survive the fights.As for me?Well,I had killed a World Enemy on my own which basically shouts out my strength.If it doesn't,I have no idea what will.

Anyway,after 30 minutes,the monsters were finally wiped out.I allowed the girls to rest while I took the role as a Security Guard,ensuring that no monsters disturb them.Not that there will as the Map doesn't show any monsters.

Still,it is good to be prepared for anything.Anyway,the girls had leveled up quite a bit,becoming level 60.I,on the other hand,leveled up once,becoming level 75.Anyway,after resting for about 10 more minutes,the girls got up and joined me as we started to explore the area.

The area,or as I coined it,'Zone',was a maze.We ended up running into Dead Ends as we were exploring the zone.We eventually came to another dead end."God,this is taking forever."I complained.Momo just laughed at me and said,"Something this trivial is annoying for you?"

"Heh."I gave a smirk and just continued to walk forward.I then noticed something that made me face palm.There was a switch on the Dead End.Granted,it was concealed and hidden well,but it still didn't mean that I should've missed it.

I told the girls about it and we separated in order to find these switches in the maze.We then regrouped in the beginning of the maze.In total,there was 10 switches which we found.(The stupid devs of this game,purposely making this tough >-<)

Anyway,a passage on the wall had opened up,creating a new path for us to follow.We did and we finally reached the second zone.