The Tests

With that,we entered the Second Zone and I realized what this zoned was probably about.Tests.How did I figure that out?Well,the entire zone was a classroom,with the tables and chairs separated from one another,as if preventing each other from cheating.

My guess was proven right as something appeared in front of the classroom and informed us about the rules of this Zone:1)No Killing,2)Everyone can only get 3 questions wrong before getting kicked out,3)No Cheating.

The rules were quite straightforward and we seated down,away from one another.I told them that we do our best to follow the rules as if we didn't,who knows what would happen.They nodded and we took the test.

The tests were rather simple,testing us on the lore of Yggdrasil and Midgard.Some even to Asgard.Luckily for us,we remembered everything in Yggdrasil due to our memory which thus made us ace this test.

The test papers were collected and we aced the tests.However,like I expected,it was not the end.It wouldn't be this easy,surely.Another set of test papers were given out to us and the whole process of testing were repeated.

The tests were strangely on real life subjects,such as : Languages,Mathematics,Science,Art,Music and even History!(What is this!?Are the developers crazy!?Who would only have 3 mistakes in these subjects?Except us,I don't think anyone else could do this questions!)I mentally cursed the developers of this game as I continued to complete more of the tests.

It seems that the other girls were also thinking along the lines as well,I could see them frowning.Well,at least I know that my girls were smart as these questions were rather tough,even for university graduates.

Anyway,after completing the last test,which was on gaming,the tests finally stopped.*Phew,I and the girls gave out a sigh of relief as the torture finally stopped."Congratulations!You've all cleared the tests and can go onto the next zone!"The monster finally said.

With that,we stood up and left the classroom,entering the next zone.I expected to find a boss,expecting said boss to be Heimdallr.Yet,as we walked into the next zone,we saw,nothing.Well,to be exact,we saw no monsters.

We only saw the beautiful night sky,full of stars,without any clouds.We looked down and saw that we were indeed on a Burning Rainbow Bridge.