The 9th Floor

With that,we started working on the floors of our base.We spammed Divine grade crystals as if they were random trash on the ground.If any players in the future saw this,they would've vomited more blood then the amount of salt in the ocean.

I designed the 8th and 9th floor according to the designs that I had purchased from the system but made some modifications to slight areas.The modifications made the floors seem more friendly but the floors were still as majestic and awe-inspiring as it was before.

As for the 9th floor,there was a false sky which was eternally night with stars adorning it.The floors were of Pristine White Marble,with pillars holding up what seemed to be the sky.They gave off the aura of sovereignty,as if one could not offend it.

There were temples in this floor,in a circular formation.There was four main temples,each at the middle of the circumferences,forming a '+' shape.The four main temples were named after the girls,with each temple representing each elements.

In the middle of the circle,there was a Palace,dedicated to me.Its element was of Destruction,and gave out an aura of a sword,representing my status as a Sword God.I then set Npcs and Pops that will spawn here.

In the four main temples,there will be a Seraph Empyrean inside each of them,basically acting as a commander/mini boss.Seraph Empyreans are one of the highest ranked angels that Yggdrasil offers,which speaks volume for its strength.

I set the Empyreans such that they are siblings,being the four archangels of god.Outside the temples there were Cherubim Gatekeepers,2 each on each side of the entrances to the temples.The same went for the Palace,except in the Palace,there were three commanders or bosses.

The main boss would be a Uka-no-Mitama,basically representing me.Anyways,Uka-no-Mitama have two forms,a short-haired girl in a fox mask, and a bestial form. The bestial form sacrifices the ability to use all magic in exchange for a tremendous boost in her physical combat ability.While her original form was adept in the use of mental-type magic.

For the other two bosses,they were Ootoshi,Uka-no-Mitama's brother who specialized in weapons and a Dragonoid,which specializes in hand to hand combat.The three of them were level 100 with Divine gear which boosted their stats to the maximum.

That should be alright for the 9th floor,time to go down to the 8th floor.