The 8th Floor

I then went down into the 8th floor,the floor representing Yggdrasil, or rather,Midgard.I used the designs and the data crystals and thus,the once empty,barren land of the 8th floor transformed into that for a great forest,which towering trees over 150 meters in height.

In the center of the forest,there was a tree that stood out.It was a huge tree,its trunk circumference was 100 meters wide,with its height easily being taller than 1500 meters.It was a symbolism of Yggdrasil,the world tree.

As for the monsters here,I had Guardian Knights in a party of 5 as a patrol.Although that may seem scarce,they are high-level insect-type warriors. They have compound eyes, which gives them a broad field of vision.This thus allow them to be quite strong on their own.

With 5 in a party and with them working together,they will prove to be a difficult fight for invaders.Although they probably won't be able to take out a party of level 100s,they would be able to delay the party of a good amount of time,giving ample amount of time for the bosses or guardian to arrive to engage with the intruders.

Not only that,the party would be weakened,thus making a party wipe easier.I also added some Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx are a genus of bird-dinosaur,meaning they could fly and scout the area for any intruders.Not to mention the fact that they are so cool.

Anyway,there were a total of 4 guardians in this floor,for the four directions in the forest.On the North side,there is Fenrir,a high level magical beast.It is a wolf and is quite strong,being physically powerful,not to mention its speed,being one of the fastest in the base (At least I think so!).

Next guardian is Zy'tl Q'ae,a giant tree that stands almost 100 meters in height, with six branching tentacles that extend to the length of over 300 meters.It is the guardian for the East side.As it was a tree,in this floor it is basically camouflaged,making it great at ambushes and surprise attacks.Although it can't move,its tentacles would be enough to take care of mobile classes and even ranged ones.

For the South side,there is the Abyssal Lord as the Guardian.The Abyssal Lord's staunch figure looks to be covered in black hardened scales with large bat-like wings sprouting from their backs. A dark malevolent aura permeated from its body. That body is supported by a devilish whip-like tail. Sharp fangs protruded from its mouth, with razor sharp claws that cuts like a katana.This would make it a deadly opponent for close combat,as its scales would have high defenses and its Claws being a great offensive tool.

Last but not least,we have the High Behemoth as the Guardian for the West side.Although it has the word 'high' in its name,it wasn't that bid when compared to the other guardians here.It was still big though,being 55 meters big,it also possesses a gold leather hide.Although it is slow due to its size,its power was not to be taken lightly.One punch with its full power could create an earthquake.

After adding these guardians,I wondered if it was enough.I face palmed when I realized I forgot about something really important.Elves!In a forest like this,wouldn't Elves make a nice addition?I then added multiple species of Elves,being:Light Elf,Dark Elf,Wood Elf,High Elf,Shadow Elf and Normal Elf.Yep,the Normal Elf was completely normal...nothing to see here.