A new start

While Galahad expected to start moving about tomorrow he was forced to remain in bed for three more weeks. All the while a Magos kept checking on him and Baron Monver conversed with him about governance, economics, and warfare. Meanwhile, Madam Etheria kept taking care of him. Furthermore, a woodworker in collaboration with local smith and a watchmaker took several measurements of Galahads leg.

By the time the three weeks were over, they brought in a prosthetic leg. While not great it was still decent for walking and could be even used for riding. When Galahad left the bed, his first thought was to go check up on his squire. With the help of a couple of servants, he reached the home of the Baron's Captain of the Guard Sir William Capson. After reaching outside the building he politely knocked. A minute later a relatively attractive young servant girl opened the door.

She bowed and said politely.

"How may I help you, my lord?"

Sir Galahad looked at her and said politely.

"You may rise. I have come to see my squire Jack Capson."

The servant nodded and said meekly.

"The young master is currently resting. But I shall ask Lady Klarin, your Lordship. "

Sir Galahad nodded.

The Servant quickly scurried away to inform Lady Klarin. About an eighth of an hourglass later the servant returned together with Lady Klarin. While Lady Klarin wasn't stunning, she was still a relatively attractive middle-aged woman with piercing cold blue eyes.

Sir Galahad gave a traditional bow and said softly

"Lady Klarin I see you are as beautiful as ever. If I may, I would like your permission to enter your household so I may see my squire"

Lady Klarin Gave a vacant smile and responded with a quite dry tone.

"Sir Galahad I am afraid my young boy has some quite grievous wounds, and he is currently resting. and as you are well aware such injuries need a peaceful and quiet environment. But I am hopeful that he will be able to return to being a squire of an active duty knight in about three months.

Sir Galahad raised his right eyebrow and said with a neutral tone.

"Oh does that imply by any chance that you intend to change the knight your son serves?"

Lady Klarin's vacant smile morphed into a sneer and responded haughtily.

"Well isn't it quite obvious that after your injury that would be the only logical solution? Since a core part of being a Knight is COMBAT. It is only reasonable for him to follow someone that can actually fight."

Sir Galahad nodded and promptly responded coldly.

"That is indeed true. My only goal today is to meet my "squire" just to check his condition. As I feel partially responsible for his grievous wounds by putting him in the line of danger."

Lady Klarin nodded and responded simply and signaled for Galahad to follow her.

"If that is all you may meet him."

As Galahad went inside, he saw a relatively well-furnished house with a decently sized hall. Soon he arrived at the solar where the family slept. There Jack laid on his bed reading a book about monstrous enemies and how to deal with them.

Galahad went inside and said softly.

"Hello, How are you?"

When Jack heard the voice, he responded excitedly his voice in a higher than normal pitch.

"Hello Galahad, I didn't hear any news are you alright? So what are we gonna do next?"

Galahad smiled and responded naturally.

"Em, I feel alright although I do miss my leg. But I came here to check on your condition and to say goodbye I was just informed that you would be under a different Knight since I am now unable to fight"

As he finished talking Galahad pointed to his leg while smiling bitterly

After a moment Jack realized what Galahads words entailed, and he responded.

"Oh so... I guess... Goodbye for now?"

Galahad looked at him and said discontentedly.

"Yeah, that is it we had a good run though. Hunting, banqueting, training. We even fought a horde. After you recover if you get a small number of merits or even just become a little older you will probably be knighted. At that point you should come over to Highkeep hopefully it will be rebuilt by then."

Jack nodded his head vigorously and said seriously.

"I promise my lord in the spirit of our dead comrades."

Galahad nodded he then said goodbye and exited the room. On the way, he informed lady Klarin that he was leaving. She nodded and escorted him out the door.

After he left the noble estate, he looked to find his surviving peasants he found two surviving men at arms and about ten other peasant men plus about twenty women most widows the rest had either remarried or forced to sell their body to survive and as such, they couldn't return back. About forty young children fifteen boys and twenty-five girls. Galahad's first move after grouping everyone up was to get some funding. With that goal in mind, he went to the local merchant guild, after all, a lot of merchants were also part-time bankers. As soon as he requested a meeting and presented his noble ring to the attendant. He was led to a spacious well-furnished office were A thin brown-haired white man in his thirties looked over a pile of papers. His clothes were such as it was befitting of his social class. The only standout feature was a gold-chained necklace with a shiny silvery coin. Overall he looked very ordinary.

The thin man smiled insincerely and said politely.

"My name is Veron Xrisia, my lord. For what reason do we have the honor to meet the great lord of Highkeep. Until recently we were dealing with your dear treasurer. Which from what I am aware as of today he has already left the kingdom."

Galahad was shocked and for a good half, a minute laid still. With questions filling his mind such as.

Wait where is my treasurer going? and why didn't he visit me? Furthermore, what does this Veron mean by he left the kingdom?

After Galahad calmed down, he asked angrily.

"What do you mean by he left the Kingdom?"

Veron smiled and took out a piece parchment with Galahads seal on the bottom of it.

"As you can see here in this latest contract, you made Mister Michael officially a free man you paid him a total of three gold royals and gave him the right to travel uninhibited." After stopping for a second he took out a ledger

"Your lordship I also need to inform you that you owe thirty whole gold coins loans for various reasons as for the collateral it is currently well your land. If I may, I will assume that you cannot pay the loan and furthermore you probably want to ask for further loans. As for any ideas of defaulting on the loan without giving up your land, I need to inform you that we do have the protection of the King himself and more than enough mercenaries to take care of non paying customers. But all problems have their solutions I can give you a personal loan if you agree to one condition."

Galahad collapsed to a nearby chair for a solid half-minute as he tried to process all this new information. after that, he said desperately.

"What is the condition? "

Veron smiled cunningly and said with a cheery tone.

"Well the matter is simple you need to have a matrilineal marriage with my daughter Amarilla as a dowry I will give you ten whole gold coins. The cost of your next payment for the loan is due in a month. It is a whole gold coin. The marriage will be organized by me at my expense you only need to show up and marry my daughter. Plus taking the oath of matrilineally before the marriage ceremony. Another minor thing is your first born will be named after me instead of your father. I am looking forward to the day I will meet my grandson Veron Xrisia von Highkeep"

Galahad was half expecting such conditions and smiled with the same cunning smile.

"Do you think I was born yesterday? While it might be true that I am in dire financial straits. It is also true that a lot of merchants and nobles will jump into the chance of marrying matrilineally into even the lowliest of landed nobility. The dowry needs at a minimum to be fifty."

Veron's smile froze in his face and responded coldly.

"Don't get too uppity don't forget you virtually own no land and the only value you have is that title. The best you are getting is thirty-five take it or leave it. In the bright side, you are sharper than the rumors say"

Galahad sighed heavily and nodded before saying simply

"Alright, you have a deal. You can have five months loan repayment in advance the rest is needed for me to buy necessities and supplies to rebuilt Highkeep. By the way, do you know any merchants with decent prices "

Veron visually relaxed back to his chair and said

"Don't worry about it after you marry my daughter I will provide your basic supplies in the suppliers price. After all, I want my grandson to inherit a decent fief, not some garbage. The wedding will be conducted in a week in the temple of Lados. Until then I will feed your rabble. After all, you do need some peasants to get your hamlet back in working condition."

Galahad nodded helplessly

Veron smiled and responded cheerily.

"Good Good. We have an agreement. Now if you may I have some other matters to oversee. My attendant will take care of your rabble you may leave now."

Galahad nodded and left the building followed by an attendant. Then he quickly explained the situation to his peasants. He took with him the two men at arms and headed back to the barons keep. There he requested an audience with the Baron. After about an hour he went inside the Great hall. He hadn't been here since the day he was Knighted. How things change he thought.

Inside the small hall, Baron Monver sat on his throne.

Galahad bowed and simply said.

"Your lordship I came to inform you that I am getting married in a week in the temple of Lados.

Baron Monver raised his eyebrow and responded curiously.

"Congratulations I wish you a long and prosperous family life. But how did you meet your future wife? As far as I know, you don't have many connections within the nobility. Is it just a random peasant beauty? If that is the case I would suggest against such a marriage."

Galahad smiled awkwardly and responded.

"Oh yeah about that. I am kinda forced to marry her thanks to my previous decisions. My previous treasurer pulled the wool over my eyes and I ended up highly indebted and he got away a rich freeman he has already left the kingdom. Either way, the debt is big enough for me to accept a matrilineal marriage request by Veron."

The baron froze and responded loudly.

"You know that by doing that your family pretty much loses their claim to the fief. Your heir isn't even really your heir it is Veron's grand heir."

Galahad nodded and said weakly.

" I know it is truly a mark against my honor but I really don't have a choice. At least he will still be my kin at the end of the day. I can't do much, after all, I did promise to rebuild the Hamlet and by the gods, I will do so."

The Baron nodded and asked simply.

"So how much is the dowry? I hope you didn't get tricked after all both a title and land are a part of the deal."

Galahad nodded and responded calmly

" The dowry is decent thirty-five whole golds. What I am really curious about. Is why is the wedding conducted in the temple of Lados? The necklace on Veron was of the goddess of Wealth Ploutia as such I expected to have the wedding on her temple. Such a necklace is normally a symbol of quite a fervent believer. Since he is the one organizing the wedding, it seemed obvious that he would hold the wedding in the temple of Ploutia instead."

Baron Monver responded simply.

"Oh, that is quite simple. Well, Veron wants to show to the wider society. That by holding the matrilineal wedding his family is moving from the social class of the merchants. Where the worship of Ploutia is commonplace. To the one of the nobility were the worship of Lados is the prevalent patron.

Galahad nodded in acknowledgment and said simply.

"Well, your lordship. I wish to ask for my leave. As I need some time to organize my thoughts"

Baron Monver signaled that he may leave.

Galahad bowed and left the main hall. The rest of the week went past rather quickly. Galahad spent most of his time reading a couple books from Baron Monver's personal collection and doing some marriage preparations.