
The big day was near and many important roles needed filling. First and foremost Galahad went to meet Ms. Etheria. He found her in the kitchen area of the keep. As he stumbled through the door.

Miss Etheria rushed at him pinching his cheeks as she said cheerily.

"If it isn't little Galahi did you come to remember your good Aunt. You know since you became a big knight you haven't come to see your Auntie much"

Galahad became red with embarrassment and said smiling

"Don't call me Galahi it is Galahad and I am sorry Ms. Etheria but I have been busy "

Averting his guilty gaze at the end.

"I see little Galahi is all grown up now, and he doesn't have time for his Auntie. Also, I have told you to not call me Ms. Etheria call me Auntie."

Galahad sighed heavily and said still with a genuine smile on his lips.

"Okay, Auntie I came here to ask if you are gonna be my spiritual mother for the marriage."

Etheria remained still for a moment a big smile filling her face while a tear of happiness rolled down her left cheek. As she rushed up and hugged Galahad, she said with a voice charged with emotion.

"I would love too Galahi. I am so honored. You know it's weird seeing that little boy which used to come to the keep battered and bruised shouting Auntie Auntie I found a pebble in the shape of a heart and then gave it to me. All grown up and getting married."

Etheria finished raising her right hand to shuffle Galahad's hair.

Galahad now red like beet, responded emotionally.

"It would be my honor if you took the mantle of the Spiritual mother in this momentous life moment."

Etheria nodded and then she raised the question.

"But Galahi I am not a noble I am of peasant birth. Wouldn't it look bad on you"

Galahad smiled and said simply.

"How can you be of peasant birth if you are my Spiritual mother?"

She nodded she stopped hugging him and asked him

"So who will be your spiritual father?"

Galahad smiled and said.

"Well Sir Mathew Hills is in all but blood my father."

Etheria nodded and said.

"Go then I am sure his in the sparring yard. This man can't go a day without training."

Galahad nodded and left the room.

When the door was closed. Etheria couldn't hold back her tears and she cried with a mix of joy and sadness. She took the stone out of her pocket and gazed at it. They grow so quick she thought with a big smile.

Galahad then went towards the training grounds. There a black-haired man built like an oak stood. Bellowing orders loudly.

As Galahad approached, the fellow noticed him and went towards him his eyes red with fury.

The Large man bellowed.

"It isn't my unfilial squire since you became a big fish you have no time for your benefactor brat. Look at you in less than a year you ended up maimed. MAIMED I say."

As the fellow reached him he grabbed Galahad in a bear-like hug.

"Oi brat you know you should come by more often. Without proper training partners, you will lose that little bit of skill I forced into you."

Galahad got a big smile on his face and bellowed

"Aye old man, You haven't changed one a bit I see. How dare you call me a little skilled I saved your skin last time?"

The fellow smiled and faked anger bellowing

"That you did and less than a year later I needed to save your sorry ass from a bunch of green rats."

Galahad laughed and then said seriously.

"Sir Mathew Hills will you do me the honor of becoming my spiritual father. As you are the only man fit for such a responsibility."

Mathew thumped his chest and said seriously

"It will be my honor to do so. After all, in everything but name, you are my son."

Mathew then continued bellowing

"This is grounds for a drink my treat. Is not every time a useless brat like you gets married."

Galahad nodded and then said.

"Aye a drink would be great. You also need to know that the wedding will be matrilinear"

Mathew then quietened down and said

"Oh, your economic state is that bad, eh. In that case, I will get you hammered tonight."

And just like that, all the preparations he needed to do were complete and soon the day of the wedding was upon them.

Galahad together with Mathew left the keep three hours before the start of the wedding. At which point they rode around Gragon. As it was the tradition, the father imparted his son with knowledge about women, family life, some life advice and in their case some stories from their past. As their ride came to an end they arrived at the temple there some servants helped Galahad dismount.

As the bride came in Sir Galahad gave a deep bow. Katarina was a woman with an attractive body but a rather plain face.

As she arrived before him Sir Galahad said.

"Oh, Great beauty I came to ask your hand in marriage. Will you make me the happiest man ever and join my household? So we may father children with the grace of god Lados"

Katarina grasped her heart and said with a dramatic tone.

"Oh, great knight. I am afraid my household is old and grand and I couldn't bear to leave it. As such our marriage is not willed by the gods."

Galahad then fell to his knees and said.

"But oh great beauty my heart aches without you. For I am in love. I ask before the gods for you to marry me. For that grant gift, I would even abandon my household."

Katarina took sir Galahads hand and said melodramatically.

"Then oh great knight we shall join together. Let's not wait anymore. Let's rush to the temple and get married with the blessing of the gods."

With that, the small ceremony ended. Then the bride and the Groom walked the aisle. In the left stood the groom with his mother on his left and on the right the bride with her father on her right. As the reached before the priest the father and mother stepped away from them maintaining a distance of about two meters.

Then the priest started the ceremony psalming.

"Heavenly Father Lados we are here on this day to give thanks for the love you have shared with these two individuals. We ask that you bless them with healthy children and stable family life. That they will be healthy and long-lived so they may not deprive their children and each other from one another. "

The priest paused for a moment and the continued.

"Katarina Xrisia do you take Sir Galahad von Highkeep to be your husband and other half, to take care of him and cherish your relationship? To love him today, tomorrow, and forever? To always be open, honest, and faithful to him. Do you take him to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?

Katerina simply said.

"Yes, I do."

"Sir Galahad von Highkeep, do you take Katarina Xrisia to be your wife and better half, to take care of her and cherish your relationship? To love her today, tomorrow, and forever? To always be open, honest, and faithful to her. Do you take her to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

Sir Galahad said loudly.

"Yes, I do."

The priest nodded and said

"By the power vested in me by the God Lados, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride"

At that point, Galahad and Katerina had a short kiss. Cheering and Clapping erupted in the crowd. The first person to congratulate them was Baron Monver then different knights finally the merchants and other business acquaintances Veron had. As that part of the ceremony finished the group headed to the keep where they feasted. Soon it was time for the bride and groom to have their first night and so they did.

In the morning. Katerina and Galahad looked at each other awkwardly.

Galahad awkwardly asked.

"So what do you enjoy?"

Katerina answered awkwardly.

"Em... reading, having tea and knitting. How about you?"

Galahad awkwardly answered.

"Em hunting, drinking and feasting"

Katarina nodded awkwardly. for a solid minute, awkward silence filled the room. Em, I have some work to do. Em, see you later. As Galahad was about to leave, he heard a laugh.

He turned his head and asked.

"Why are you laughing?"

She replied while trying to hold back her laughter.

"You forgot to get dressed."

Galahad became red like a beet and said awkwardly.

"Em no, I was just about to get dressed."

After that small event Galahad got dressed had breakfast and headed to the merchant guild were his father-in-law conducted business.

As Galahad showed his ring to the Attendant, he was quickly led in. After he reached Veron's office he was immediately let in.

Veron quickly bowed and said cunningly

"Your lordship for what reason do I have the honor to have you visit me? Oh, wait where are my manners I almost forgot to offer you a drink. Would you like coffee, tea, ale or wine. I have you know I have some great red wine from the kingdom of Frankia."

Galahad simply responded.

"You are well aware Veron why I am here. Where is the dowry you promised?"

Veron smiled and took a small bag from under his desk inside rested thirty whole golds. He then continued by stating.

"The rest of your dowry is in goods specifically. Wheat one thousand two hundred and two Bushels of wheat. The price was one whole gold coin twenty-four whole silvers coins and two whole bronze coins. Twenty sets of iron tools compromised of a Shovel, Axe, Hammer and fifty nails the cost is one silver coin. Fourteen chickens and one rooster two whole silver coins and eight whole bronze coins

Two sets of full mail armor two whole gold coins. Four carts and four workhorses one whole gold coin and twenty whole silver coins. Twenty sheep forty silver coins and six pigs thirteen silver coins."

Galahad nodded and simply asked.

"This is good. But where are those goods and my "rabble"?"

Veron smiled and just said.

"They are at the Drunken Fox inn west side of the city together with some of my men."

Galahad grabbed the pouch and said.

"I will take my leave if you don't mind."

Veron smiled stood up and said.

"Allow me to escort you out of the building is only proper."

Galahad nodded and soon he was on his way to the Drunken Fox inn. There an old acquaintance was waiting.

Markos simply said.

"Hello, your grace. I learned that you are gonna reestablish the Hamlet as such I came as quickly as I could. After all both you and the peasants require spiritual guidance. It is only proper for this old priest to continue his duty."

Galahad gave him a big smile.

"But of course I would be more than happy to accept your request. But my land is sadly very crowded. As such you would need to pay an insignificant amount of money to establish your temple. It is but a pittance for a grand god such as your own."

Markos narrowed his eyes and said.

"Oh is that may very well be true. But as far as I am aware there was already a temple in the hamlet previously."

Galahad feigned innocence and said

"Oh was there. I haven't personally seen it. Do you perhaps have proof of such a temple existing?"

Markos sighed and responded frankly.

"So how much money is needed for me to acquire land to build a temple."

Galahad responded innocently.

"Well since it is acquiring and not renting the price is two whole gold coins."

Markos looked at him and grumbled.

"Alright alright but I want a contract."

Galahad nodded intensely

"I strongly agree let's go to the scribes guild and get one."

And just like that Galahad and Markos finalized their contract at the scribes guild netting Galahad another two whole golds. The cost of the license was covered by the party acquiring the property.

After they separated. Galahad once again went to the Drunken Fox Inn. There he met with his peasants. With their help, he then inspected the supplies and livestock. Especially the horse's teeth to find how healthy they were and their average age. Their health was decent and on average they were about nine years old. He also bought two lesser warhorses for one whole gold one medium-tier warhorse for two whole gold. He also repaired his broken steel armor for one whole gold. Equipped his two surviving men at arms with the chain mail armor he got from Veron and went to inform his wife to stay with her father for the time being. Since there are no quarters set up yet for a lady of her stature back in the hamlet. After that was done he kissed her goodbye and set off with his peasants to rebuilt HighKeep.