Time for some Hamlet building

After everything was in order Galahad asked the peasants for any other supplies that should be procured. They pointed out that they needed at least some basic tents. After all, it was the middle of spring and as such the nights were still quite chilly. Plus the occasional rain would make their lives hellish. Additionally, they needed to procure a large store of Ale since the previous siege meant that the goblins most likely poisoned the well.

Someone else pointed out that a large amount of the wheat will rot if left to the elements and as such it would be most wise if they rented a storeroom in Gragon and moved shipments every couple of weeks.

Galahad noted quickly got in contract with Veron through him he found a decently sized storehouse outside the northern walls of Gragon. The cost of the rent for a year was twenty whole silver coins. Soon the contract was signed, and the storeroom was quickly filled with ninety-four percent of their grain.

Ale thankfully was quite cheap one bronze a gallon. As such Galahad decided to buy enough to last them for a year with some months to spare as such he bought twenty-six thousand gallons together with the costs of the five hundred and twenty barrels it added to a total of two whole gold coins and eighty whole silver coins. Most of the newly acquired ale was also stored at the storehouse. Outside of twenty-one barrels which will be taken with them. It was decided that they would resupply every three weeks. He also left behind one of his men at arms to guard the storehouse giving him one whole gold for his expenditures. For their small cloth tents, they paid a grand total of fourteen whole silvers. Another minor expense was basic cooking utensils such as a pot some knifes a bunch of wooden spoons, plates, and tankards costing an additional ten whole silver coins. With all of this spending, his finances had taken quite the hit. He also paid in advance eleven months of his debt pushing it back a year and putting the remaining loan at nineteen whole gold coins. With all of that spending, his remaining coin was ten whole gold coins and seventy whole silver coins.

When everything was done it was already late as such they decided to postpone their leave. While most of the peasants decided to stay in the tents Galahad just bought since it was better than living on the streets. Exceptions do exist some of them had family in Gragon as such they could stay with them for an extra day. Others wanted to have a last night out before returning to work and as such, they decided to spend their last coin drinking and eating merrily. Galahad similarly to the last group decided that the best course of action was to meet with Markos and go out for some light drinking before leaving tomorrow at the first light.

The night left and quickly the small group left Gragon soon after they reached the previously burned fields. Which were now lush and full of life? The corpses littering the road and the hamlet had been buried by the soldiers as it was customary. The destroyed carts have been moved aside so the army can march effectively.

As they reached the semi-destroyed palisade walls. They were greeted by a mixture of green grass and flowers growing inside the ruins of the previously lively settlement. With their emotions running high Galahad ordered the last surviving hunter to act as a scout to check the ruins for any remaining greenskins. After an hour he returned back reporting that no greenskins have been sighted and there weren't any trails ascertaining to their existence. The group then slowly headed inside the ruins and soon they reached the destroyed keep.

The first job of the day was to set up camp. The most advantageous position was at the top of the hill where the old keep laid in ruins. The position was advantageous because firstly they could see further away and they also had the high ground in the case of a sudden attack. Plus there was a bunch of half-standing fortifications increasing the security level of the camp.

After picking their camp's location. Their first action was to clear a decent percentage of the charred remains of the keep. Not too much just enough to effectively set up camp with the charred logs used to decrease the number of holes in the ruined wall. By midday, groups have been sent out to start gathering dry lumber. When the first day was over they had gathered enough fallen lumber for the campfires to run for a week.

From, tomorrow onward the small camp fell to a routine. First-morning porridge from wheat and the occasional egg for the lord. Then the group of men will exit the camp and start chopping logs to build a wooden barricade while the children and women would prepare their lunch and dinner. Outside of camp activities, they also foraged around the forest for supplementary herbs and berries. Additionally, they searched the ruined hamlet for anything useful with some occasionally finding some surviving kitchenware or other miscellaneous items. Day by day a small mountain of secondary goods was amassed. They were all given to the lord. After all, they needed to repay their lord for the help he had given them. As he had gone beyond his duty of just protecting them. Most of the newly refound goods were used to fill necessities with a few exceptions which were sent to the storehouse for now.

The new wooden barricade was done by the end of the first week and from there on out the group of peasants worked to build new houses. With their current population, they needed to build fifteen hovels. Their construction took the entirety of spring and the first month of summer. The men chopped the logs and put together the houses while the kids and women made wattle and daub. Another issue that came up was the lack of straw for the construction of the roofs. As such, they were forced to import it from Gragon. While the material was dirt cheap as it was a waste byproduct from the cultivation of wheat. The huge amount required costed another whole silver coin. But thanks to the sales of salvaged goods they had actually gained five whole silver coins. As for Galahad in the past months outside of managing the construction and the finances he mostly spent his time going back and forth between Highkeep and Gragon. In Gragon he visited his wife, Lady Etheria and Sir Matthew he also occasionally spoke with baron Monver and the other knights. He also took care of some minor trade deals with the help of Veron. Mostly selling foraged medicinal herbs with their sale eventually netting him a whole gold coin. Veron's helpful advice, access to connections and general help caused him to grew slightly closer to him. After all, Veron was now his father-in-law. Lastly, he occasionally checked the storehouse to make sure things didn't "mysteriously" go missing.

When the last needed house was built Galahad called a meeting. The time spent managing the reconstruction effort and the day-to-day management had led him to become better at evaluating his men. As such when he called the meeting. He only invited the two men he found most useful and skilled.

When both men arrived in Galahad's tent he seriously said.

"I have gathered you here since you are my most capable subordinates. Now that we have reestablished the skeleton of the settlement. I have a plan since our population is severely lacking I was considering taking in all the half breeds from this years Exoria as well as any decently cheap folk I can find in the list as well"

Martin Hankson a young black-haired man of average stature and average build angrily said.

"Half-breeds are inherently destructive. We don't have the manpower to police two hundred to three hundred of them. I know it seems tempting to get them since they cost minimal points and you can still control them through the ring but it will be chaos. I can ascertain that your peasants and the half breeds will eventually clash. If you want to take half breeds pick herbivore beast-men half dwarfs and half-elves. While they are a bit more pricey than other half breeds, they are still cheaper than war prisoners and minor criminals."

Ludwig Ergon is a swarthy man in his forties with whitening hair. He is dressed with animal hides and always has a knife in his belt and his bow close by. He simply said.

"Your lordship as you know I am just a simple hunter. So I don't have too much experience with polite society, But even I know that Getting Half goblins or Half-orcs will go badly. Just give up on that plan for now"

Galahad nodded and simply said.

"Alright alright maybe I was a bit excessive. So do you think my gathered points would be enough for a hundred unskilled people give or take"

Martin and Ludwig both nodded before Martin stating.

"You lordship you should have about a thousand points after all nobody has claimed anything for the past eleven years as such you should have five hundred and fifty points from the passive point generation of a frontier landed knight. That is just the base generation additionally the minor calamities that plagued the fief for the past eleven years should be another two hundred points. Additionally, you should get even more bonus points since your realm was razed by goblins. It should be at least a hundred points. All together you should have about one thousand points give or take two hundred."

Galahad was quite shocked as this was simply a monstrous amount of points.

"Alright, the second matter of the day is what to do from now on? Start some vegetable farming or Build more houses and some storage areas."

Ludwig Ergon responded simply.

"Your lordship planting now will only yield a small number of vegetables before the autumn sowing season. I would suggest we just wait for the migrants and in the meantime, we just build some more houses."

A week later it was the day of Exoria as such all the landed knights gathered to the barony. There Baron Monver gave each knight their personal letter detailing how many points they had. As it was customary none was allowed to open the letter outside of the knight in question. When Galahad opened his sealed letter, he read the first line ascertaining the number of points. The sheer number of them shook him to his core. His fief had amassed a total of two thousand one hundred points. From there on out there was a detailed breakdown of the origin of the points. First of all the Hamlet's, total points compensated for past calamitous events were six hundred. As for the passively gathered points, it was the grand total of one thousand five hundred points. That was equal to the accumulation of thirty years without anyone claiming anything. That was simply insane but also explained the disparagement between his and the other knight's territories. As for Baron Monver's territory, it gained passively two hundred points plus five percent of all the points from the calamities that befall his vassals. Either way, that year their barony was in the middle of the pack when it came to picking Exoristous. As it was customary the order of picking was from the person with the least points to the one with the most points.

Obviously Galahad was last. As he was the last to pick the anticipation was simply torturous. Eventually, it was his turn. Inside the room on top of a wooden table rested an extremely thick book. Each pair of pages had a detailed analysis of each person from their sex, age, name, characteristics, to the time until the end of their sentence, crime, known skills, and an ascribed point cost. After someone selected an Exoristo, the taker would write his whole name and title and seal the page with wax. Galahad started looking through the book from the first unsealed page. Some Exoristoi would come together with their families those were called family workers.

Number four thousand five hundred and sixty-seven: Yeriola Emeratha, Age: thirty, Sex: Male, Abilities: Unskilled labor, Crime: Half Breed, Stealing some clothes, Begging without a permit, Public eyesore Price: five points, Total sentence: twenty years.

Soon he had picked about seventy family workers and eight unmarried men having spent a total of five hundred points. For the rest of his points, he decided to pick some quality personnel.

Number seven hundred sixty-seven: Boris O Prasinoktonos, Age: fifty, Sex: Male, Abilities: Green Skin extermination, Crime: Enemy war combatant, Special trait: Hard to control Zealot Price: fifty points., Total sentence: lifetime.

Number five hundred fifty-four: Emaria Olia, Age: twenty, Sex: Female, Abilities: Expert Herbalist, Journeyman Alchemist, Crime: Public Humiliation of a noble heir, Price: a hundred and fifty points, Total sentence: five years.

Number three hundred thirty-three: Eledor Gragin + Family, Age: forty-three, Sex: Male, Abilities: Expert Smith, Crime: Fighting with a court official, Price: three hundred points, Total sentence: five years.

Number sixty-seven: George Derkan, Age: twenty-six, Sex: Male, Abilities: Earth Elemental Manipulation, Expert Mason, Crime: Sleeping with a count's daughter, Price: nine hundred Points,

Total sentence: forty years.

After he left the room two knights wearing exquisite quality plate armor went inside the room soon they exited the room then the building then the barony. Galahad was simply ecstatic when he went to meet his old mentor Sir Matthew hills. He found him as always at the training grounds giving orders as usual.

When Matthew noticed Galahad he bellowed.

"Oi, brat how did the pick go did you get any half-decent Exoristous. Or did you just get a big group to cover your loses? You should have had a big bundle of points. Perhaps even touching a thousand. Did you perhaps get an armorsmith? That would be great perhaps your old friend here could even get a discount."

Galahad excitedly said.

"I had two thousand points. Not only I replaced my manpower I even managed to get a Mason, a smith, a herbalist, and an anti-goblin specialist. I can't wait for next week."

Matthew stood there shocked, and he asked quietly.

"Two two two thousand?"

Soon though he returned to his normal self and continued bellowing.

"This is insane with a Mason in your territory it will grow by leaps and bounds. You are not joking, right? The caravan isn't gonna come next week and say ten half-dead farmers for Galahad right?"

Galahad smiled and said cheerily

"Indeed everything is true and as a celebration, I will be the one which will pay for drinks tonight."

Mathew patted Galahad heavily on the back and bellowed.

"Good after a hard day of training a drink is exactly what I need."

Galahad spent the rest of his week socializing in Gragon after all he wasn't really needed back at the settlement right now. He also needed to buy more wheat, ale, tools, kitchen supplies, and even some tents. He ended up spending an additional five whole gold coins to buy five thousand bushels of wheat. Which barely fitted in the storage house. He also made a deal with a local brewery buying upfront another one hundred and forty-six thousand gallons of ale for one whole gold coin and forty-six silver coins. As well as a two hundred new sets of tools for another whole gold. Finally, he spent another gold on buying more kitchen supplies and tents. With these matters done for the rest of his time was spent with the other knights which were also expecting their cargo.