We struck gold i mean copper.

Galahad looked at George and simply said.

"COPPER. But how do you know it is copper? Also, do you have any proof of its existence?

George nodded and said.

"Sir, as you are well aware I am able too, to manipulate the element of earth. As such, I can feel the composition of rocks."

George then took out of his pocket an opaque dark grey rock with a metallic luster and simply said.

"This piece of rock was recently found in the mine and it has a composition of about sixty-five percent copper. It is high yield copper ore."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Alright, I believe you. But what about the stone for the keep?"

George simply said.

"Not everything inside the mine is copper most of it is still granite. We only just struck copper On the western side both the south and the east sides are still mostly granite"

Galahad nodded and said.

"Okay then, in that case. What is the best way to exploit the mine?"

George smiled and simply said.

"Well, I would like two more whole silver coins for this information, Sire."

Galahad grumbled while smiling.

"Fine, fine you can have five whole silver coins. What do you suggest then?"

George simply said.

"Well, that is rather simple. Do you know the church of the goddess Ploutia?"

Galahad nodded

George then added.

"Well, one of its core missions is the increase of wealth. As such their temples tend to operate banks, chambers of commerce and even minting facilities. Generally speaking, they are quite the money grabbers. Anyhow bronze coins are made from tin and copper. Where copper is A) the more important metal and B) copper is what is called a noble metal. As such a new copper mine means an increase in the number of coins and a substantial increase in income. Our mine should be able to produce at least a ton or so of copper. You must have in mind that one bronze whole coin is one gram. While one whole silver coin is six point five grams and one whole gold coin is thirty grams. Either way, a ton of pure copper is about equal to a hundred whole gold coins. Before any of the fees and costs have been added. Anyhow you can probably lease out the mine to the church of Ploutia for fifty gold coins per pure tone of copper produced."

Galahad nodded took out five silver coins and gave them to George. Galahad then said.

"You earned them. We are leaving in an hour sharp get ready. Ah, I also need the ore you found in the mine as proof."

George nodded he then left the stone on the desk and exited the tent.

Four hours later. Galahad and George arrived at Gragon.

George laughed and said

"Cheers Sire I will have a great night thanks to you. Also good luck."

Galaha nodded and said

"Aye have a good night you earned it."

Galahad then went to meet his father-in-law he soon arrived at the merchant guild. Where he was quickly let in and informed by the attendant that Veron was out with a client and he would be back in about an hour. One hour later Veron had returned. He met Galahad at the waiting room before his office.

Veron smiled and said politely.

"Oh, greeting son-in-law. How have you been and would you like a drink? We have excellent red Frankian wine and some lovely coffee from Erimos."

Galahad smiled politely and said.

"Greeting father-in-law, I have been well. Also, I would love some black coffee."

Veron made a hand gesture towards the attendant and said to Galahad.

"Let's head to my office."

As they went inside Veron said.

"Please, dear take a sit."

After they both sat Veron asked curiously.

"So for what reason have you come here?"

Galahad smiled and said.

"Dear father-in-law, must there be a reason for me to visit? Can't I just be a here to check on your well being and perhaps spent some quality time together?"

Veron smiled and said.

"Of course not my dear son-in-law. But it is simply rare that you would wait a whole hour for my return without a truly important matter plaguing you. After all, you are a busy man you have a fief to oversee and even my daughter and your spiritual parents don't see you often."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Well, it is indeed true that I have come today with a reason in mind. I would like you to make me an acquaintance with the priest or priestess of Ploutia."

Veron raised his eyebrow and said.

"If you need money, I can always give you a friendly loan. There is no reason to get in debt with the church. Those people are even worse money-grubbers than us."

Galahad smiled and shook his head before saying.

"I don't actually need to take a loan. Instead, I am planning to set up a trade agreement with the church. I found a copper vein in my land and I am planning to exploit it."

Veron smiled and then asked.

"Oh, how big is it? I mean we could probably set something up with the guild."

Galahad smiled and said.

"Well, you would need quite some money, after all, you would need to hire a bunch of miners. At least ten in the minimum. Additionally, I heard their church had minting facilities and they could even provide a local banking service. Outside of that, I would like quite a big cut. Are you certain you can give me a big enough cut for me not to go with the church?"

Veron sighed and said.

"I guess you are right. I really can't guarantee a bigger cut and they do come with a bunch of other services. I would take you to meet her after we have our coffee."

Galahad nodded soon the attendant came with two cups of hot coffee and about an hour later they left to go to the temple of Ploutia. Five minutes later they reached the temple. The differences between the temple of Ploutia and the temple of Lados were quite shocking. The temple of Ploutia was near the market and full of people and bustling with activity. While the temple of Lados was near the keep and almost empty with a serene atmosphere. Furthermore, the temple of Lados was stark and elegant. While the temple of Ploutia was rather opulent and even a bit tacky. Soon Galahad arrived before the priestess. The priestess was a plain blond middle-aged woman with calm brown eyes. As they arrived before her Both Galahad and Veron bowed.

Then the priestess smiled faintly and said.

"Bless you, children, with prosperity and abundance. Oh is that Dear Veron I almost forgot how you looked like you haven't been here in a while. So, Dear Veron, I am curious why did you come here today? Ah, and who is this?"

Cold sweat started going down Veron's back before he said.

"Em, your holiness. I have come here today to make you an acquaintance of Sir Galahad my son-in-law."

The priestess smiled coldly and said feigning happiness.

"Oh is that so? Son in law but I haven't conducted any marriages. Did sweet little Katarina perhaps get married in another temple?"

Veron trembled slightly and said,

"Your holiness. As Sir Galahad is a noble I wasn't the one that picked where the marriage ceremony would take place."

The priestess sighed and averted her gaze from Veron focusing on Galahad instead she then said.

"So Sir Galahad it is a pleasure to make you my acquaintance. I am the Hcar Naegl priestess of Ploutia Marilena Asimi. But for what reason have you come to seek me out?"

Galahad smiled warmly and said.

"Your holiness it is pertinent that I would make you my acquaintance. As for the reasons for that, there is several. Firstly you have a deep connection with the common people, the merchants and one of the true gods. As such your council would be invaluable to a noble such as myself. Secondly, I have a business proposal to make."

The Priestess raised her eyebrow and said.

"A proposal you say? Tell me more I am sure we can figure something out."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Well I found an ore vein in my territory and I really don't have the resources currently to excavate and process the ore."

The priestess nodded and said.

"An ore vein what type? How big? How far from your territory? Is it close to any major roads? and what type of investment are you looking for? Perhaps a loan to start mining? Or do you plan to lease it to us? We could even buy it if it's worth it."

Galahad smiled and simply said.

"It is a copper ore vein. It should at minimum produce about a ton of copper give or take. It is below the hill were my keep rests upon. As such it is quite close to the road leading from Highkeep to Gragon. I am currently planning to lease the mine."

The priestess smiled and said.

"Copper you say. The church is quite intrigued indeed. But first, I would like some proof of the existence of the said ore vein. Additionally, we need to discuss how we split the profit."

Galahad took out the stone George gave him earlier and said.

"This stone was found in my mine. You can test how much copper is in it. Additionally, you can send a prospector if you so choose. On the matter of the split, I would suggest a seventy percent for the fief and thirty percent for the church. As at the end of the day, I own the land in which the mine is located."

The priestess smiled and responded.

"Firstly can I have that stone? I would like to get it checked later. Outside of that, you are surely confused you mean seventy percent of the profits are gonna be taken by the church and thirty percent by the fief. After all, you don't have the means to either extract or process the copper ore."

After about half an hour of bartering back and forth, they reached a settlement. They would split the profits half and half if the mine does exist. Galahad would also provide them with land to build a temple and quarters for the miners. The church would also bring a fresh set of miners from another settlement to settle down in Highkeep. As for the quarry, it will remain under the ownership of Sir Galahad. After that, both parties retired. Galahad went to spent some time with his wife. While the priestess sent the stone to be checked. Two hours later she was informed that the stone. Was actually a piece of high yield copper ore. With a copper percentage of about sixty-five percent.

The next day both Galahad and George returned to Highkeep. At the moment of arrival Boris immediately asked for a meeting with Galahad. Galahad agreed, and they quickly arrived at the tent. After they sat down inside.

Galahad asked curiously.

"So what's the matter, Boris"

Boris smiled and said happily

"The Vreenskins seem to be vrouping up avain."

Galahad instantly became worried and asked.

"Firstly how do you know this? and Secondly, do you have any idea on how much time we have before they attack?

Boris said calmly.

"It is not a biv problem they number about fifty. We vot the first clues one-week avo. I was informed by the leader of the hunters that most of the animals were vone. As such, I tasked the hunters to carefully scout out the forest for voblin activity. Yesterday one of the hunters found a voblin. He then followed it back from a distance. Eventually, he was led back to a small camp. He then carefully came back. Unfortunately by the time he had returned you had already left. I suvgest we arm the peasants with bows and spears and first encircle them and then ambush them. The voblins sleep from twelve to eight. As such we need to leave from here in the early afternoon and wait out the night around their camp. Then we will attack at the first light. They will be confused and still sleepy and we should be able to exterminate them with minimum casualties. After the deed is done we will have a scout keep an eye at the destroyed camp. Just in case another group arrives. Additionally, we will have the hunters search around for any other camps."

Galahad thought for a moment and said.

"Rather than use a big army of peasants. I will request from Baron Monver twenty or so men at arms armed with either bows or crossbows. Baron Monvers men together with your men and the hunters should be enough to ambush and exterminate them."

Boris nodded and said


And just like that Galahad once again traveled to Gragon. On the road there. He met up with the prospector. After a polite greeting, Galahad told the prospector to look for George when he arrived at Highkeep. The man thanked Galahad profusely before the two men split up and went on their merry ways. An hour later he arrived at Baron Monver's keep. There he waited for another hour before given an audience.

Galahad went into the throne room and bowed.

The Baron simply said.

"Rise Galahad, Why have you come to seek my audience today."

Galahad said with sobriety.

"Sire I have come to inform you that one of my hunters found a goblin encampment inside the forest about fifty strong. As such, I came to request twenty men at arms preferably either archers or crossbowmen so we can ambush the vile greenskins and exterminate this threat before it germinates."

The Baron sighed and said.

"Request granted."

The Baron then made a gesture towards scribe. which quickly wrote down the order. He then used his signet ring to sign the order. After all the technical aspects were done and dusted with.

The Baron then continued.

"Go meet my captain of the guards he should be at the training ground together with your spiritual father. I assigned you fifteen archer and five crossbowmen additionally your spiritual father will lead them. You may leave."

Galahad was presented with the order by the scribe he took it and quickly exited the throne room. Fifteen minutes later he arrived at the training grounds where both Sir Matthew and Sir William trained.

When Matthew noticed Galahad he bellowed.

"Oy brat what are you doing here? Have you come to test your mettle. "

Galahad smiled and said.

"Oi old man I haven't come to kick yar ass today. But it does seem like you are gonna come and see my fief today."

Matthew raised one eyebrow and said

"Is that so? Why?

Galahad nodded and then said.

" Sir William can you do me the honor of reading this order by the Baron."

Galahad then handed the order to the tall and armored middle-aged man. William then silently read the order and said.

"Indeed Sir Matthew it seems like you need to go to Highkeep with Sir Galahad. Take with you fifteen archers and five crossbowmen as well."

Sir Matthew nodded and simply asked.

"Alright but Why?"

Sir William simply answered.

"You are going goblin slaying."