Gobo Hunting and Royal Decrees

Matthew raised his eyebrow and bellowed.

"Sounds good."

Just like that Matthew went inside the barracks and picked fifteen archers and five crossbowmen. The group then marched to Highkeep. When they reached Highkeep, it was already dark. As such the newly arrived troops used the tents stored up to set up a camp.

The next day Matthew, Boris, Martin, and Ludwig set up a meeting. The first person to speak was Matthew.

Sir Matthew stood proudly and said.

"Alright Boys I am Sir Matthew and I will lead the Baron's Men. So what is the plan?"

Boris Nodded and said

"The plan can wait I think we should first get acquainted and understand what resources each of brings to the table. I am Boris o Prasinoktonos and I will lead Sir Galahads militia and This is Martin my second in command and a local in the area."

Ludwig then said.

"I am Ludwig Ergon I am also a local and the leader of the hunting party."

Boris nodded and said.

"Now that we have finished the introductions I shall explain the current plan. We will leave from Highkeep early in the afternoon. Mister Ludwiv and his men will show us the way to the camp. After that, we will surround the voblin camp and wait out the night. When the first light breaks we will use our superior firepower to take them all down nice and easily exterminatinv the whole lot of them. If any survivors manave to survive the onslaught and reach the encirclement, we will take them down in melee combat. Every man should be able to best a voblin in single combat after all. After that, we shall withdraw leaving behind a sinvle hunter to keep watch. From that point on we shall rotate the watcher every two days. And at the same time, scout the other areas close by were other such camps might exist."

Sir Matthew nodded and said.

"This seems like a good plan and the rest of you should have already agreed to it. Then let's not delay further this afternoon we shall start the operation Daybreak.

Martin then said

"Your lordship we haven't named the op..."

Sir Mathew gave Martin a "friendly smack" in the back leaving the poor fellow breathless before bellowing.

"Every operation needs a name. It would not be proper any other way."

As such the men gathered up their forces. In total, they were ten militia five hunters and twenty-one of the baron's men. They decided to split the men into four groups two militia groups led by Martin and Boris and two army groups led by Sir Mathew and Ludwig. Each group had a Hunter. the militia was split half and half while the army groups were split unevenly where Ludwig will lead the archers and Matthew the crossbowmen. The reason for such a split is that the crossbowmen generally were less mobile than the archers and Matthew could act as a shield of sorts if the goblins survived the initial volleys. While Ludwig knew the area better and as such would be better at commanding a more mobile force. The commander role fell to Boris as he was the eldest and the most experienced in dealing with goblins.

Meanwhile, Sir Galahad was holding another meeting with a short thin middle-aged man wearing decent clothing.

Sir Galahad smiled and simply asked.

"Mister Aristiadi, How do you feel about the mine's prospects."

Mister Aristiadi put his hand over his heart and said with a calm and deep voice.

"Honestly Sir Galahad you were quite lucky to find the mine since it is not a surface deposit. In other news, the vein is quite small but it should produce at least a ton or two of copper before it is exhausted. My plan is to return to inform my client her holiness. From there on out it is yours and my client's business on how you plan to exploit the asset."

Galahad simply nodded and said.

"Alright, then you can use one of my carriages to get back to Gragon."

With that matter over Galahad retired for the day. While operation Daybreak was in full throttle.

When the troops arrived nearby their first move was to carefully slowly and methodically encircle the camp. From there on out it was a waiting game until daylight. The midnight hours were rather tense but nothing went seriously wrong. They were a couple of close calls though. One man struck his leg on an exposed root and almost screamed in agony. But thankfully his companion was quick enough to muffle his scream alerting only some sleeping birds nearby. Later at the early hours of the morning, an ophidiophobic man almost screamed in fear when he saw a snake. But thankfully he managed to hold himself together. Before a nearby hunter quickly dispatched it.

When the first light broke through the canopy, the men became active once again. Five minutes later the signal arrow was fired by Ludwig and then all hell broke loose. Most of the goblins were confused and still half asleep. Some of them woke up from the pain of getting shot, others didn't wake up at all having their life harvested while sound asleep. Others woke up from the agony filled screams of their compatriots only for them to stand up and immediately get turned into porcupines. Some lucky green rats actually managed to survive the initial volleys and quickly organized into small groups with one goal in mind. To break through the encirclement alive.

While Goblins are relatively weak, they are also small and agile and as such, they proved surprisingly hard to hit after they exited the designated kill zone. Those severely diminished groups when they reached the perimeter of the encirclement. Were quickly dispatched by the better trained, rested and equipped humans with minimum losses. After the battle concluded a post-battle meeting was called.

The overall general commander Boris asked.

"Any casualties?"

Matthew smiled and said.

"No wounds for the men under my direct command commander."

Ludwig added.

"Only some minor injuries for the men under my command."

Martin nodded and said

"The same applies to me too. Only two of my men had any wounds, and those were superficial."

Boris nodded and said

"That is vood. Then Ventlemen we shall loot their camp and take our leave. Our men do need sleep after all and staying deep in the forest for longer than it is required is a bad idea."

Matthew nodded and said.

"Aye it is time to head back, and it does seem like operation Daylight was a roaring success."

Boris gave a big smile and said.

"Yes, I vuess so."

The looting was split into three parts. The personal looting mostly coins and jewelry taken by the individual troops as war loot. Equipment which is technically owned by Sir Galahad but in reality is owned by the troops. And miscellaneous items of little value which can be sold in bulk such as the tents, rusty metal equipment, wooden kitchenware and so on. After the looting, a short celebration and a quick rest took place. Before the affiliated forces took the long trek back home. When they arrived home Boris quickly informed Sir Galahad of their glorious victory. With the territory safe and with Galahads fears of an imminent invasion subsiding. He went to Gragon to officialize the deal with the church. When he arrived at the temple, he quickly met with the priestess. After a quick greeting, they headed to the scribes guild to finalize the deal. Again the cost of the contract was taken by the "acquiring party"

The rest of the day was allocated to spending time with his wife. The following day just before leaving for Highkeep he got a letter. The writer surprisingly enough was his elder brother. As he unsealed the letter he read.

"To my slowly wising up younger brother.

I shall first congratulate you on successfully rebuilding our ancestral territory. I am well aware that such a task is quite arduous. I am also quite pleased to see you take a much more active role in managing your territory. Like a good older brother, I shall inform you that war is on the horizon. The neighboring dukedom of Ribertan has been without a ruler for the past year. Naturally, all of the major powers are scheming to put one of their men in the throne. Since you are maimed you would probably not be expected to take an active part in combat. But luckily for you are completely exempt. For one reason the high percentage of Exoristoi in comparison to serfs in your fief.

This letter's goal is instead to prepare you to take advantage of the situation. Firstly a large wave of refugees are likely to flee northwards away from the fighting and some may even end up in your territory. Such a situation is highly advantageous as you can gain some more surfs boosting your numbers. On the other hand the decrease in the number of men at arms stationed in their fiefs and the absence of their lords. Ordains decreased support in the case of an attack. The war will also increase the price of iron, coal, wheat, ale, armors, and swords. Additionally, a lot of men would prefer to stay far away from combat and if called upon a number of them are likely to turn fugitive and some even resort to banditry to survive. In any case, good luck and remember wars come hand in hand with both challenges and chances.

With newfound respect your elder brother."

Galahad wrote a simple reply thanking his brother for his help and his positive comments. In the next two days, about fifty men arrived as well as the first of the many shipments of building materials. Of the men, forty of them were laborer's, and the rest were miners. The laborer's job was to build houses for the miners and when they were done to build a temple to Ploutia.

While those men were settling in Galahad got an invitation for dinner from Eledor with him and his family.

When he arrived outside the small house he was greeted by a waiting Eledor. He gave a quick bow and said.

"Ah, Sire please come in. We have been expecting you."

As Galahad went inside he was greeted by the rest of the family bowing.

Eledor smiled and said.

"This is my beautiful wife Liza. We have been married for the past ten years."

The blond middle-aged woman with grey intelligent eyes of average stature said nervously.

"Greetings your lordship."

Then Eledor continued.

"This girl is my little princess. Her name is Emelia."

A small girl of about eleven with rosy red cheeks and brown hair with blue eyes said simply.

"Greetings your lordship."

Eledor then nodded and continued.

"This is my first-born son Eric. He shall follow onto my footsteps and become a blacksmith. From as old as five I started slowly teaching him."

An eight-year-old boy simple looking boy with brown hair. Stood there motionlessly before calmly saying.

"Greeting Sire."

Eledor then continued.

"This is my youngest boy Arnold. He's a lot more mischievous than his older siblings."

A small brown haired five-year-old with a wide smile said happily.

"Greetings my lrod"

After the introductions were done they sat into the table. Galahad engaged in some idle talk with Eledor. Before his wife returned with some expertly cooked deer with even some spices, some almost white bread, and some red wine. Of course, the guest of honor got the biggest portion and the prime cut. After about half an hour they finished eating.

Eledor grabbed something wrapped in cloth and said.

"Sire to thank you for the wheat provided and the first supplies. I shall gift you my first proper craft in a while."

As Galahad opened the wrapped gifted inside laid a brand new and more importantly well-crafted chain mail. Galahad smiled as one of his problems was the lack of decent arms for his men and the fact his current captain used just gambeson for protection.

Galahad nodded and said

"Thank you Eledor, I also have a gift for you a piece of advice. The price of iron and coal is going to increase in two to three months I would suggest stocking up now while it is still relatively cheap."

Eledor nodded and simply thanked Galahad. After that, the dinner was pretty much over and Galahad retired for the day. The next day Galahad organized a small award ceremony. Where the newly acquired chain mail was awarded to Boris for his meritorious service. Galahad also acquired the first tax money. Emaria paid Galahad one whole gold coin as both payment for the herbs and the tax for the month and the looted items were either sold or stored netting an additional twelve whole silver coins.

One month later the laborers were already done with the houses and they were now working on the temple of Ploutia. The sowing was also done, and the men were now tasked with building. First and foremost a new palisade wall and secondly even more houses. He also increased his hunters from five to six and his militia from ten to twelve. With his men at arms finally officially merged with the militia. One month later everything was coming along nicely the wall was half-finished they hadn't found any other goblin camps and the first floor of the keep was finally completed allowing Galahad to finally bring his wife to Highkeep. But as Galahad was preparing for the joyous occasion he was summoned by the Baron. Soon Galahad was inside the throne room waiting for two long hours. In the meantime engaging in small talk with rest of the knights. Two hours later every single knight was inside the throne room. Soon after the Baron entered the room, he ceremoniously sat on his throne and unsealed the scroll. He seemed to unsettle even by just taking a glimpse of its contents and he continued to get more so until he finally finished silently reading it.

The Baron then stood up before slowly, loudly, and clearly reading its contents. His very tone infused with the proper amount of grandiloquence.

"This is the mandate of his Majestie King Fredarion the second of house Arxipolias. As some of you are aware Count Edgar von Otheria has the most legitimate claim to the dukedom of Ribertan. As such we shall support count Edgar on inheriting his rightful land and title. With this in mind, we shall first amass our forces locally before properly consolidating our armies in a later date. On the matter of the number of troops required by each feudal lord, it is fifty percent of their forces in the case they are a not a borderland's feudal or a wild lord. The wild lords and the borderlanders shall instead bring twenty-five percent of their forces. Exempt are all the lords that have more than sixty percent Exoristous in their ranks. The official exemption will happen after the fief holders gather to their liege counts territory. From there the nonexempt fief holders. Shall receive their next orders ascertaining to the coming storm. The Barons and their knightly entourages have thirty days to arrive before their direct lieges. Otherwise, it will be considered treason and the sentence for such a crime is always death. "