The meeting and the trip.

When the baron finished reading the king's proclamation, he asked the knights present.

"So what do you think about his majesty's proclamation and does anyone among you have any information ascertaining to the coming conflict or any interesting viewpoints?"

Sir Jeroic smiled his eyes shining with a savage glint while he said.

"War is a good thing After all my boys didn't manage to see much fighting at the Goblin conflict and I don't want them to grow soft. Additionally, war is first and foremost an opportunity for all of us low ranking nobles to advance to Barons or even Counts."

A more refined-looking gentleman wearing beautifully weaved silk outfit rather than armor said patronizingly.

"You muscle head. While for wastrels that are unable to manage the economic side of their fief and decided to pour all of their money into the army, this might seem like a "golden opportunity". For the nominally intelligent of us, it seems like suicide. First, you will need to win the war. Secondly, you will need to make a significant and recognized contribution. Finally, you will need to be alive to enjoy your, "promotion". By "promotion", I mean a devastated fief on the other side of the country. Which you will need to both manage and pay taxes. I would much rather slowly develop my ancestral lands rather than lead a bunch of my men to their death."

Sir Jeroic clearly infuriated bellowed angrily in response.

" "Sir" Monert I know you are a spineless worm. But the fact your territory is doing well is not thanks to your management but your bastard ancestors. Which not only stole my family's iron mine crippling my territory's income. But they even forced my ancestors to pay you reparations for, "unlawful possession". Either way my lady, we are going to war. I hope your precious Erfia will survive without your care. "

Sir Monert replied calmly. With a wide smile adorning his face.

"Oh, you mean my family's mine and the rightful reparations for your family's unlawful seizure of my family's lands. As far as I am aware Baron Konder von Gragon adjudicated. You wouldn't dare to question the late Barons decision, would you now? Perhaps you are questioning the Baron's authority too and through that even the King's divine authority. You are not that far away from an outright rebel. Perhaps the kingdom would be better off if we disposed of you at this very moment. On the topic of your family's, finances don't play dumb with me. I am well aware that when you inherited your fief, it had both a decent amount of gold in the treasury and a positive annual balance. Your reckless decisions squandered everything your family built not your ancestor's crimes."

The baron sighed raised his hand and tiredly said.

"Stop squabbling like children. This matter is well in the past. Does anyone else has anything to say about the current matter?"

After ten seconds of silence, the Baron sighed and said to a servant.

"Call my Magos. We require his expertise."

After, five minutes a slender man dressed in a long black cloak. Entered the room.

He bowed before the Baron and said.

"Sire I heard you called for me."

The Baron nodded and simply said

"Erfiadi I require your expertise on the matters of geography. I would like to know where is that Dukedom of Ribertan? How far away it is? Additionally, what other powers we might face? For those powers, I would like to know if they have any famous Generals or noteworthy troops?"

Erfiadis nodded and responded.

"The Dukedom of Ribertan lies into the central passage of the Erineas mountain range. It is the largest and shortest passage through the mountain range. The Dukedom has only managed to remain independent, thus far through their leader's diplomatic prowess. As both of the Dukedom's northern and southern flanks are virtually open. The Dukedom is bordering the Kingdom of Arxia in the north, the Kingdom of Frankia in the southwest, and the Archdukedom of Karellia in the southeast.

It would take ten days with a normal infantry marching speed to go from here to the duchy of Ribertan. The Major players are obviously the Frankians and the Karellians. The Frankians are famed for their powerful heavy cavalry. While the Karelians have excellent pikemen, and spear and shield infantrymen.

As for their Generals, Joachim Murat for the Frankians is an excellent cavalry commander. During the battle at Kareandia, he led his cavalry in breaking through all three lines of Erimian forces in a swift and ferocious attack. While the Karellians have Vlas Begrolov quite the capable infantry commander. At the battle of the Erber plains, he led his pikemen into collapsing the Frankian left flank while also successfully halting a heavy cavalry charge using his axillary spearmen."

The Baron nodded and asked.

"Is there any other locations where we might be stationed in the upcoming war."

Erfiadis stopped for a moment and then said.

"Well, the answer depends on the farsightedness of his Majesty. Our kingdom lies in the Northwest of the continent. Further north lies the region known as Hyperborea. Currently mostly inhibited with semi-civilized green skin tribes. It is famed for its large powerful beasts and its harsh and early winters. As such an attack from the north is rather unlikely thanks to the lack of infrastructure, hostile environment, and natives.

All across the west, the kingdom borders the Megalo ocean famed for its abundant fish and harsh storms. While it might seem tempting to attempt a naval invasion, A harsh storm might lay waste to a whole army.

Continuing on the southwest, the continent buckles in creating the Verban gulf. The gulf's storms are much milder. As such a naval invasion could be launched from there with enough preparation. For this reason, it would be wise if the king kept an army on standby.

At, the westernmost point of the gulf lies the delta of the river Mers. Mers thanks to its relatively large size, depth, and lack of crossing points. Acts as the De facto border between us and the Kingdom of Frankia. While it might seem a tempting prospect to attack by crossing the river. Both sides of the river are heavily fortified and an army would need to take each and every fort. It would be both extremely expensive and time-consuming it's simply untenable.

Following the river northwards we reach the valley of a hundred rivers and the Erineas mountain range. Again the valley would seem like a decent avenue for invasion. The problem is that term valley is not really accurate a much better term is a marsh as such any man foolish enough to march his army through there would see massive losses in both troops and supplies.

The mountain range continues from that point onwards towards the northeast acting as the natural eastern border of the kingdom. The Erineas have three major passages and several minor ones. The major ones are aptly named the southern passage the central passage and the northern passage.

We have already talked about the central passage. On the other hand, the southern passage is currently controlled by the Vansiatic league. A league of small Baronies laying inside the Vansiatic Basin. To protect their independence from the major powers they have constructed the northern and southern bastions. The Vansiatic league is highly unlikely to take part in the conflict. As, such the most likely scenario is that it will remain completely neutral. As a consequence, they will not allow any armies to pass through their territory. As for the northern passage, it is the smallest, it is far away, and is closed for most of the year thanks to the snow."

The Baron nodded and simply said.

"Thanks, Erfiadis dismissed."

Erfiadis simply bowed and left the throne room.

The Baron then asked.

"Does anyone here have anything additional to contribute?"

After a minute of silence, the Baron continued.

"Alright then. Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Apothia we should be there in about half a day. You are all dismissed."

The knights slowly made their way out of the hall. Most of the landed knights needed to either rent rooms or sleep in the common area of the keep. Galahad instead opted to stay with his father-in-law. After a quick dinner, they spent some time idly conversing. Galahad towards the end of the conversation informed Veron of the up-and-coming war. He looked mildly surprised. After a while, Veron excused himself as he had some important matters to attend to. Galahad smiled and reassured Veron that he takes no issue with his departure. After Veron left the house Galahad retired to the guest room.

The next day early in the morning, the knights had already gathered in the southern gatehouse. After five minutes the Baron joined them. He simply nodded and started riding southwards. At about midday, they reached a crossroads Inn called the traveler's lodge.

As they reached the Inn, a thin, brown-haired child of about eleven years of age arrived before them.

The child bowed and said.

"Greetings good lords, Would you care for some proper horse care while you dine? It will only cost you a whole bronze coin a horse."

The Baron nodded and said.

"All right young lad we will go inside for a quick meal. In the meantime, water and feed the horses. If you do a good job I will even pay you double?"

The boy smiled from ear to ear and said

"Of course good lords."

The Baron nodded and then led the group inside. The Inn was relatively spacious with ten or so tables none currently occupied. The group sat to the table closest to the fireplace as it was rather chilly. With the Baron sitting at the prime seat of the table his left seat was occupied by Sir Jeroic while his right seat was occupied by Sir Monert. Then it was Galahad, the rest of the landed knights, and Sir William the captain. From that point onwards it was the Unlanded knights ranked by seniority. After they sat down the Innkeeper walked over, he was rounder than the average peasant, balding, and middle-aged.

The Innkeeper bowed and then said.

"Good middle-day lords what would you like to order today?"

The Baron responded.

"Five loaves of white bread, half a wheel of cheese, five pies, and a generous amount of today's roast. For drinking, six gallons of your best ale shall suffice."

The Innkeeper nodded and with a big "toothy" smile on his face and said.

"Alright, good lords it is coming right up."

The Innkeeper went to the kitchen and immediately returned with a small barrel of ale, five loaves of bread, half a wheel of cheese, and a decent amount of roasted pork marinated with salt, parsley, and garlic. About three-quarters of an hour, later the Innkeeper returned with the five pies. They were stuffed with garlic, onion, carrot, and pork. After the group finished eating. The Baron paid the Innkeeper seven whole silver coins and fifty-seven whole bronze coins. As the group exited the Inn they were greeted by the little boy. Which led them back to their horses. At first sight, all the horses looked well fed and watered. While the Baron's horse was also washed and brushed.

The Baron threw a whole silver coin at the young boy he winked and said.

"Well done young fellah you earned this."

The group then took the road southwards and by the evening they reached the city of Apothia. The city of Apothia was several times larger than Gragon. But as the size of the city grows so do the differences between the social classes. For example, the outside of the walls was overrun with a sprawling slum. While even inside the walls the city itself was separated into six districts. As the group arrived before the gates.

The gatekeeper politely said.

"Greetings gentlemen, I am sorry to inconvenience you but what business do you have in our great city?"

The Baron simply took out the mandate from the king and simply pointed to the seal. The gatekeeper bowed and said.

"Ah I see come right in milords"

As they were let in the city they immediately set course for the count's castle. They quickly went through the relatively wealthy central district. Before finally arriving before the gates of the count's castle.

When they were about two meters away from the gate. The gatekeeper politely said.

"Greeting your lordships, what business do you have with milord?"

The Baron smiled and simply responded.

"Inform his lordship that his vassal Baron Monver von Gragon is here.

The gatekeeper made a gesture and one of his subordinates went to report the news of their arrival to the count. About half an hour later the man returned with the count's order.

The gatekeeper then said.

"Sorry for the waiting your lordships but we must do our jobs properly."

The castle' gate was then opened allowing the group to head inside. One young man at arms then led the group to the keep. Soon the group arrived before the doors of the great hall. There an attendant informed the Baron that only landed knights and above could take part in the gathering.