Arriving Before the Count and Recovering the Past.

The Baron nodded and said.

"Alright, but where should my unlanded knights go to?"

The Attendant smiled and said.

"We have prepared a feast for them outside."

The attendant then looked towards the knights and said.

"Please follow me, Gentlemen."

The Group of Knights then split in two the Unlanded knights left the room following the attendant. While the rest of them went inside the Great Hall.

As the group went inside, the younger knights were aghast with the opulence of the room. Starting from the bottom up the floor was covered by a thick woolen carpet with its weave retelling the story of the rise of House Apothia. The walls were covered by extensive tapestries depicting the great feats of local heroes. Four great marble columns were holding the roof, each thicker than a two hundred year oak tree and beautifully sculpted they were then further embellished with gold to show its owner's vast wealth. Even the tables where the nobles sat were made out of imported ebony wood. While each of the chairs was a beautifully carved piece of art. But the grandest item in the room was the Count's seat. A beautifully carved throne made of gold and gems. Upon the seat rested a greying middle-aged man his clothes as opulent and grant as anything else in his grand hall. As the Count stood up, they all bowed deeply.

The Count then stood up and walked before the Baron and said with a hint of annoyance.

"Rise. You are a bit late Baron Monver. But the fact your Barony is the furthest one away somewhat excuses you."

The count then walked back to his seat and sat down before saying with dignity.

"I officially declare this council meeting to have begun. I shall first name my noble vassals which will not be required to take part in the war. Sir Alexander von GroyCastle, Sir Remington von Xoria, Baron Emanuel von Kompoli, and Sir Galahad von Highkeep. Firstly I would like all of you to remain in the room. Secondly, only Baron Emanuel will not be forced to take part in the campaign his landed knights will."

The count then continued

"Now that we took that out of the way. I would first like to know how many troops will each Baron and Knight taking part in the campaign will provide? Give me your max amount of troops and my scribe in the corner will do the math. I am sure the barons are aware of their knight's forces. As such, I require Baron Monver, Baron Emanuel, Baron Charles , Baron Oliver, and Baron Victor to give me the numbers of troops they will provide so I can properly formulate a plan. "

Baron Monver then responded.

"The Barony of Gragon shall oblige my liege. The total amount of men at arms my direct fief can provide is one hundred, in addition, my four landed knights taking part in the campaign will provide one hundred and eighty men at arms. As for levies, my fief can provide two hundred and as for my Landed knights about fifty each. A total of about four hundred levies. Overall we can provide about five hundred and eighty men."

A somewhat well-built man middling in stature man in his mid-thirties with brown hair and brown eyes then added.

"The Barony of Kompoli shall oblige my liege. Four of my knights shall take part they have about twenty men at arms each and fifty peasants. A total of about two hundred and eighty men."

A gaudily dressed overweight man in his mid-thirties with a prominently featured gold chained necklace with a shiny gold coin in the middle smiled awkwardly and then said with a fair degree of apprehension.

"My Liege Felix the Barony of Lernal would wish to oblige. However, I don't know those numbers of the top of my head as my castellan handles those. But he is currently waiting outside."

The Count sighed and gestured towards an attendant before responding.

"Fine fine he can come inside."

The attendant went outside before returning with the polar opposite of Charles a well dressed scholarly looking youngster. The youngster bowed deeply before the count.

The Count then said.

"Rise, please can you give me the report on the numbers of troops your baron's fief and his knight's fiefs can provide"

The Youngster simply responded

"Well, your lordship. As I don't know the knights which have been exempt. I shall instead give a more wide run down. My lord has eighty men at arms and about three hundred possible levies. As for the knights, there is six. Each with about twenty men at arms and fifty levies."

The count nodded and said.

"Thank you As for the knights exempt they are the following Sir Alexander von GroyCastle, Sir Remington von Xoria, and Sir Galahad von Highkeep."

The youngster nodded and responded.

"Then all of our knights will take part in the campaign."

The count nodded and simply said.


The youngster bowed and exited the Great Hall.

A black-haired but greying, well built, tall and serious-looking man simply said.

"The Barony of Nicropol shall oblige my liege. I and the knights taking part have in total two hundred men at arms and four hundred and forty levies give or take a few."

a man short simply dressed man in his early forties with fire ginger hair simply added.

"The Barony of Holington shall oblige my liege. A hundred and twenty men at arms and two hundred levies for me and my knights your lordship."

The count nodded and said.

"Scribe tally up the troop count please"

The scribe nodded and said.

"Baron Monver and his knights need to bring a hundred and forty-five men. Baron Emanuel's men need to send seventy men. Baron Oliver need's to send a hundred and sixty men. Baron Victor eighty men. Finally Baron Charles another two hundred men. Adding up the three hundred and forty men, the king mandated your lordship must send. The grand total is nine hundred and ninety-five men or about one thousand men give or take a few."

The Count nodded and said.

"With this matter over. I need to inform you that the campaign will take at least a year to conclude. As such I am expecting you to have prepared your levies, supplies, and your Regent picks by early spring. That is all from me. Does anyone else have any news, opinions or facts that they would like to bring up?"

Baron Emanuel then responded.

" I heard the local nobles of the Dukedom of Ribertan are split into four factions. The Edgarians supporting Edgar's right to the Dukedom. They are Mostly the northern lords of the dukedom among them there is one count. The Loyalists wanting the Dukedom to remain independent mostly court nobles and the nobles close to the Dukedoms capital While they might seem weak at first glance they control most of the forces of the late Duke and a Count is among their ranks. The Bastienians supporting Bastien's right to the Dukedom. They are mostly southerner's and among their, ranks are three Counts. While the Karellians only have a small group of supporters calling themselves the Dimitrians supporting the claim of Arch Duke Dimitrios.

The count nodded and said.

"Thank you, a slightly better understanding of the situation is greatly appreciated. Anyone else?"

After a solid minute of silence.

The count simply ordered.

"I declare this meeting over please sit and enjoy the feast, attendant please inform the kitchen to bring the food. I officially declare that the feast shall commence."

Immediately after a small army of servants entered the Great hall bringing red wine, white bread, cheese, sausages, soups, tarts, and big plates of beautifully roasted beef dressed with salt, parsley, butter, pepper, and garlic. The meat was tender and medium to well done. Half an hour later big pies were introduced some sweet such as honey apple pies, fig pies, and damson pies others were meat-based such as pork and cheese pies, beef and onion pies and finally some vegetable pies such as the wild mushroom pie. As the meal was coming to an end, the Barons were offered a room in the keep while the knights were offered a room in the barracks.

Before the baron and his men split up into their different quarters and retired for the night.

Monver gathered all of them together and said.

"We are leaving two days from now. Firstly because there is a meeting tomorrow between only the Barons and the Count. As for the day after I have some business to attend here. However, you are welcome, to leave earlier if you so choose."

The next day the Knights split up each going on his merry way. Galahad explored the market it was mostly selling spices, vegetables, meats, cooked foods, and cheap clothes. As he continued to wander aimlessly he spotted an antique shop.

As he was taking a look around an elderly man came before him and said.

"Greetings young lord does anything in my humble shop tickle your fancy."

Galahad simply responded.

"For now I am just looking."

Inside the shop, there was a mixture of old family crests, half rusted Armaments, furniture, and even clothes as Galahad was looking around he spotted a shield weathered by time but still clearly painted with a black crow in a red background.

Galahad then asked the shop owner.

"What do you know about this shield."

The Elderly man smiled and said.

"Oh, this the shield of Sir Volder the Black. A proud knight of our Kingdom he dispatched about a hundred men before he was overrun in the battle of the Jaro."

Galahad simply said.

"I will buy the shield but I want to know the full story of the battle of Jaro."

The elderly merchant got a big smile before saying.

"Well, I will tell you the story if you also buy Volder's signet ring"

He then took out from a compartment a simple-looking signet ring. The signet ring was made out of steel with a black gemstone in the middle carved into the shape of a crow.

Galahad nodded and said

"Alright now tell me the story, old man."

The old man said.

"Volder was born a peasant more than three centuries ago in one of the border villages of the kingdom. When he was about twelve years old a knight errant passed through the village. Noticing that the boy was strong and of a pure heart, he took him in as his squire. From there on out they had several adventures, they went on to exterminate several bandit camps, a goblin tribe and even saved a village from a powerful ogre. In one such adventure, the knight errant was wounded by a poisoned arrow. As he was taking in his last breaths he ordained Volder a knight. From there on Volder himself wandered the countryside saving the small folk from bandits and monsters alike. One day he happened upon a tourney as he was poor and he needed the prize money to continue his roaming he took part in it. He beat several opponents until he reached the finals Where he bested King Arron the Wise. As a reward for his strength, he was officialized as a knight of the realm. He then married Lady Teronia and rumors said he had a short-lived sedentary life and that he even got a son or two. Just as he was enjoying the fruits of his labor. He was called upon by the king to protect the realm against the Northern barbarians coming through the northern passage he together with the other nine knights of the realm when the left flank started collapsing charged upon the barbarian horde each besting a hundred foes before their arms grew weak and they were finally fallen. Their sacrifice bought enough time for the kingdoms right flank to overpower theirs as such the barbarians were caught between a rock and hard place and were either routed or captured. In honor of the fallen knights, the order remained empty and a monument was built in the royal capital."

Galahad nodded and said.

"This is grant story worthy of legends. So how much will the two items cost me."

The shopkeeper smiled and said.

"Two whole gold coins."

Galahad was simply shocked.

"How about one whole gold coin"

The shop keeper sighed and said.

"Look the least I can do is one whole gold coin and fifty whole silver coins."

Galahad nodded and took out the money before taking the shield and the ring and exiting the shop. He then continued to wander about the place before happening upon a bookshop. Inside the shop where a series of long streaks of bookcases. Each slightly warped from the heavyweight of the books. A scholarly young man was sitting at the front desk.

As he noticed Galahad closing in he asked.

"How can I help the exquisite gentleman would you perhaps like to read the latest battle tactics by General Joachin Monett or perhaps about the history or the geography of the kingdom perhaps you are searching for something completely different."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I would like a book about the legends of Sir Volder and the Knights of the realm, A book about managing the realm and finally a book about the major religions in the Kingdom of Boreia"

The clerk's eyes shined and he said.

"Right away sir it will cost only three whole gold coins."

Galahad took a look at his pocket inside they were only five whole gold coins and fifty whole silver coins left.

Galahad deeply sighed and said.


The attendant went at the back of the bookstore and quickly returned with three books. Stories and legends of the Knights of the Realm, The Duke and finally a Survey of the peoples, the cultures, religions, and languages of the kingdom of Boreia.

After he paid the money the rest of the day flowed by rather calmly. He returned to the keep were he had a decent meal and he then retired for the day. The next day He spent most of his time walking around aimlessly. When he happened upon a whole silver coin he picked it up and blessed the heavens for his good luck before returning to the keep. A feast was organized once again by the count. This time slightly less lavish though. Early in the next day the baron and his knights took the long road back home.