It's been two months since I've written in this journal.

Since that time, two people have been deleted from our team. I feel bad that I am glad it was them instead of me. I'm sure if I remembered them, then I would feel bad and want to take their place. But I can't even remember their gender, let alone what they meant to me.

I'm scared I'll be next. I m*6_ay b|¢{e agile, but I'+!m not *-!+#as str&"+ong as most of°® the others. Honesπ™°tly, I may b#()@/e the weakes"&6+!t of the bunch. 4-3!!8)I'm not sure &7"(0why I'm s_"-!till here. The o"$5( nly thing I seem *6$(//to do well is th"&7e odd tra*64+ining class that I k"_58:)eep gett 4*6(- ing h:&+igh scores in.

(Text has been ruined, potentially due to deletion. Experts have decoded it as: "I'm scared I'll be next. I may be agile, but I'm not as strong as most of the others. Honestly, I may be the weakest of the bunch. I'm not sure why I'm still here. The only thing I seem to do well is the odd training class that I keep getting high scores in.)

Ah, but I'm rambling. I should get to the point.

Today, our team met a strange guy. After meeting him, we were given the entire day off.

He said his name was Kai. I'm willing to say his name because I get the feeling that they won't be deleting them. Or rather, they don't dare try.

Despite being like us, Kai has this aura around him. I've never been up against him, but I instinctually know that he's way stronger than even our best person.

I can't say much more, but let's just say he's something amazing. And I think he's going to take over our training.

I'm kind of excited.