I have never been so tired and sore in all my life.

I completely take back my previous words that I was excited to be trained by Kai. He's a devil sent from Hell.

Not only does he put us through rugged training, but he personally supervised the deletion of our 6 teammates. I hate how driving he is. He pushes us until we collapse from utter exhaustion. Then he wakes us up and trains us some more

Though, I have to admit that it's effective. I've never been stronger. I al&+*:9+so have a feeli$57+"&_68_ng that t '&8he we7*4ird train')-'8-ing class h"7&"ad something to $85do with magic. Ka&*+i seems to take special68'86"85 attention t&7*+&*o m"7&e, som'&7et7&"hing I d5"7o:86 no:)+t c('-'&8are mu"7ch for. I've bee7"5"n getting str6'868onger physi8&'cally, but I also feel a"&7"47 differen"7&8t type of stre-('8-ngth. I can't e+&"xplain it w)+&'86ell. It'&'('7s jus7"&7"&t...'8& differe'&8nt.

(Experts have not been able to translate broken text, so we give it to you in its original form. The 'English' of the author's people has been so broken that even those fluent in this dead language have been unable to translate it properly. It may be a bit useless, but we want to show the entire journal, even the parts unable to be translated from the foreign language of these people.)

I can't imagine what they are training us for. Why would they cause all of those deaths? Why are they training us in this way? Was it some sort of new training system? I was getting the feeling that we were no longer on the Earth I once knew.

Either way, I'm too tired to whine anymore. I'm gonna get some sleep.

Good night.