Plutia Gets Adopted

"nnh" Plutia groaned as she woke up and slowly opened her eyes.

'Where am I?' She thought to herself as her vision was still blurred as she found herself staring at a wooden ceiling.

"Hey Chase she's awake now!" A female voice said from right besides her.

"Coming!" A male's voice that she recognized replied to the female voice from a different room.

"Hello little girl. Good morning there. Are you feeling any better now?" The female asked Plutia as she leaned over to look at Plutia's face.

"Er… Um.. I am all better now…" Plutia said slowly as her blurry vision finally regained its stability.

What came into her view was a woman that looked like she was in her mid-twenties. She had aqua colored long hair that went down to her waist, light blue eyes, white creamed skin, and very 'big' breasts.

"Um… Where am I now?" Plutia asked the woman in her vision.

"Oh, you're in my room and Chase's room." She replied as she handed Plutia a glass of water.

"Thank you." Plutia said as she received the cup of water and drank from it to get rid of her dry throat.

"By the way who is Chase that you keep calling?" Plutia asked once she finished drinking the cup of water and handed it back to the woman.

"Oh, he is the clerk that you saw out there when you were trying to rent a room." The woman said as soon as the door opened roughly.

"Oh thank god you are awake. Thought you could possibly be in a coma after sleeping for so long." The man who entered said. As to Plutia's surprise, it was the man who had given her a rental card. Chase.

"Hello there little girl, I am Chase. Chase Lauderia is my name. As for her, she can give herself an introduction." Chase said as he went over to the woman's side.

"Hello, I am Crystalia. Crystalia Eseinbach. I am a noble's daughter from the neighboring country of Morka. Chase saved me when I got kidnapped once, that's how we met each other. Afterwards we decided to escape to here where slavery was illegal.

"Oh, um. Thank you for saving me and letting me stay here… I'll leave now." Plutia said as she tried getting out of bed but ended in failure as she was still weak causing her to fall back on the floor.

"Ow!" Plutia said out loud as her weak stats still caused her to feel a lot of pain.

'I really regret not double checking myself before coming to this world…' Plutia thought to herself as she struggled to get up again.

"Woah there little girl. Don't be too hasty to leave. You aren't fully recovered yet you know. Stay with us for a little longer as you recover." Chase said as he quickly ran over the bed and then carried her up and put her on the bed again.

'What am I a trapped animal? Is the bed my cage or something?' Plutia thought to herself as she let all of that happen as she was too weak to do anything.

"That's right, why don't you stay with us for a little bit longer. You didn't come with anyone anyway." Crystalia backed Chase up as she went to check if Plutia got injured from the fall anywhere.

"Wait speaking of which, why were you alone? Where are your parents or guards anyway?" Crystalia asked Plutia.

"Um… I don't have any parents or guards…" Plutia said as she just came back to the world without any background aside from being a SS-Ranked adventurer 100 years ago with only a few still remembering her.

"Oh… Sorry for asking then…" Crystalia apologized to Plutia, as she thought Plutia had no parents any longer as they had died. Talk about big misunderstandings.

"..." Chase remained silently as his face turned dark because he too had no parents or siblings any longer.

"I-I'll stay here until I am fully recovered then…" Plutia said weakly as she looked at the two furiously staring at her as if they would pounce on her if she had not agreed to stay until she recovered.

"Why don't you stay with us from now on?" Chase suddenly opened his mouth.

"Eh?" Plutia said in shock as she did not expect to hear that.

"What do you mean by that Chase?" Crystalia asked him in shock as well as she did not expect him to say that.

"Just like I said, why don't you live with us from now on? We'll be your parents." Chase said as he clenched his fists unknowingly.

"Eh… But shouldn't we wait first Chase?" Crystalia said to Chase as she walked over to hug him because she knew why he would say that after knowing about his past.

"It's up for her to decide." Chase said as he slowly turned around and prepared to leave the room.

'Being adopted by the two? I need to leave to find Sylvie soon though…" Plutia thought.

'Let's see if I can input my cheats right now though.' Plutia thought to herself.

'System Open'


'Eh! Don't tell me… Did I really set it to I can't be overpowered until I meet Sylvie? Please don't tell me I did that. Did I drink?' Plutia thought to herself.

'G-guess I have no choice now… I really have to be adopted by these people… Otherwise… *shiver* I don't know what will happen to me…' Plutia thought to herself once more.

"W-wait! Let me with you two then!" Plutia immediately shouted as she saw them almost stepping out of the room.

"Y-you don't have to be that quick to decide! Maybe you should think again!" Crystalia quickly said as she knew how much pressure Plutia was in when she was asked the question.

"No! I'll stay with you two!" Plutia said with tears in her eyes this time as she was thinking, 'Please don't let me go! I don't want anything bad to happen to me!'

"Alright then, for starters, what's your name?" Chase said as he turned around and looked at her.

"My name is Shiro, Shiro Neko!" Sylvie replied quickly with tears streaming down her eyes as she was overwhelmed with feeling from who knows where.

"Well then, welcome to the family." Chase said as he spread out his arms.


Sylvie : wow u got famiry now

Plutia : yeah! I can eat with them now! Yay!

Author : Sniff sniff, such a good family story im happy for you

Plutia : Thank you for making me part of their family!

Author : You welcome!

Plutia : Anyway, why can't I open my System?

Author : UHHH

Plutia : gee *glare*

Author : *Sweats*

Plutia : gee *GLAREEEEE*

Author : *runs*

