Plutia Gets Exposed

"Wuu~" Plutia cried as she sat on the bed.

"There there, it's okay. Please stop crying now." Crystalia said as she stroked Plutia's back to soothe her.

"Wuuu~" Plutia cried even harder when she felt motherly affection from someone. This had happened due to Plutia who was once human becoming a goddess for thousands of years. She had lived without parental love for generations and many.

"Alright, take a rest for now. When you wake up I'll wash and clean you." Crystalia said as she stroked Plutia until she fell asleep.

Once seeing that Plutia had fallen asleep, Crystalia gently rested her head onto the bed before leaving to go cook in the kitchen.

"I wonder how long she's been without parents for her to cry like that." Crystalia said when Chase walked by.

"Yeah… I too wonder, what she's been through." Chase said as he prepared himself to work at the inn again.

"Mmm, she must've had it harder than us huh? She really cried herself out this time." Crystalia said without looking at Chase who was about to open the door and leave.

"Indeed. Well, I gotta go now, Kias is probably waiting out there for me." Chase said as he opened the door and left.


"Alright, good work then Chase. See you later then." Crystalia said as she finished making her lunch before heading over to where she worked at. Which was a clothing store, she worked there as a clerk.


"Good morning Kias." Chase said with a smile this time instead of his depressed look he had given Kias the night from two days ago.

"Good morning Chase. Kias greeted him back with a nod.

"Guess she's finally awake now huh?" Kias said as he noticed that Chase wasn't depressed anymore.

"Not only that, can you guess what happened with me, Crystalia, and her just now?" Chase asked him as he poured them both a drink.

"What? Did she give you some important jewelry?" Kias said with a laugh as he drank his ale.

"Nah, we adopted her." Chase with while having a big grin on his face as he chugged down his drink.

"PFFFFFT!!!" Kias spat out his drink the moment he heard the words that left Chase's mouth.

"You what now! Can you repeat that? I think I need to go clean out my ears right now." Kias said as he wiped his mouth.

"..." Chase didn't reply.

"S-sorry Chase…" Kias said as he realized he spat all of his drink onto Chase's clothing.

"Nah, it's okay. And I said we, which is me and Crystalia, have adopted that little girl. Her name is Shiro Neko." Chase said once more to claim the fact.

"N-no way. What did you brainwash her with?" Kias said.

"We didn't brainwash her, she didn't have any relatives so I asked if she wanted us to adopt her. She accepted it while crying you know, makes one wonder what she went through." Chase said as he cleaned off his clothing that got wet from the ale.

"You think I can meet her right now? This daughter of yours you clearly just brainwashed?" Kias asked him.

"She's asleep right now, you can go check on her though. I'll kill you if you do anything weird to her though." Chase said as killing intent flashed through his eyes.

"Alright… Let's go check on her really quick, I won't do anything weird…" Kias said as he hopped over the counter and followed Kias through the door into the room where Plutia was sleeping.

"She's Shiro Neko right there on the bed sleeping." Chase said as he pointed from the door at the little girl with white hair that was sleeping on the bed.

"She's pretty cute you know." Kias said as he used his Lion King Eye. (This is a form of appraisal)

'Lion King Eye Appraisal'


- Appraisal -

Name : Shiro Neko

Species : Heavenly Kitsune

Sex : Female

Age : 6 Years Old

Level : 5

EXP : 45/650

HP : 300/300

MP : 130/130

SPD : 10

STR : 25

ED : 5

DXT: 20



"What was that for? Are you trying to wake her up on purpose Kias?" Chase said as he nudged the man who had just dropped his wooden mug on the floor.

"Chase, do you know what species she is?" Kias said without looking at the man as he continued looking at the little girl sleeping on the bed with his mouth agape.

"Isn't she human? Crystalia had already checked her with her appraisal last time when she was healing her." Chase said as he looked back at the girl on the bed.

"Well, she isn't… I think I know why the reason she had no relatives were… Come here…" Kias said as he slowly made his way over to the side of Plutia's bed.

"What is it?" Chase said as he made his way over.

"Look at this…" Kias said as he slowly moved his hand towards Plutia's head.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to wake her up?" Chase's voice rang in as he saw what Kias was doing.

"No look…" Kias said as he ruffled Plutia's hair until a some fluffy triangle part came popping out of her head.

"T-this… She's a beastkin? Tell me Kias what is she actually?" Chase said as he saw the fluffy ears on top of Plutia's head.

"My Lion King Eye's Appraisal said she was a heavenly kitsune… You know that they are basically a legendary existence. This is probably why she has no relatives." Kias said as he looked back at the man that had adopted the legendary existence.

"N-no way… She's actually a legendary existence? Why is she so weak?" Chase said as he looked at the little girl who was supposedly a legendary existence.

"Heavenly Kitsune's are usually with their parents learning how to hunt at a young age rarely staying in their human form unless something happened to them." Kias replied as he looked back at the little girl sleeping peacefully.


Plutia : Nya~ zzz *soft breathing*

Author : I wanna sleep too, I got no sleep today though


Author : A few more… There will be time skip next time we meet.(spoilers)


Author : Yep!
