Mission: Investigate Ariana's Family (1)

"Hello there Sylvie and Maria and… Err… Sorry do I know you by any chance?" Lance greeted them one by one but was confused on who Ms. Aria was.

"Oh she's Ms. Aria, she's Ariana's knowledge teacher and wanted to help us investigate! She's also my babysitter I suppose." Sylvie said as she introduced them to Ms. Aria.

"Ms. Aria these are my friends. She's Maria, your names sound alike and are almost spelt alike. She's a troublesome friend. She's Elise, a troublesome friend. This is Lance, another troublesome friend. And there's that one more friend that we didn't invite because he is not even a troublesome friend but a disaster class." Sylvie introduced Ms. Aria to her friends one by one.

"What do you mean we are troublesome friends?! You are the most troublesome and problematic person there is out there! Do you even know what you do on a daily basis?!" Her three friends raised their voices causing many other people to look at their table.