Mission: Investigate Ariana's Family (2)

"Are you sure we shouldn't think of a plan first before we go Ms. Aria?" Lance asked her.

"No need, all we really have to do is ask them what happened right? There isn't really a need for all this investigation is there?" Ms. Aria replied as she looked at them.

"W-what if they don't tell us what happened to Ariana though?" Maria asked her.

"Oh come on you children. Stop getting your head filled with delusional fantasies that you wish were true so you could go on with this investigation plan you have stuck in your head." Ms. Aria said as she flicked Maria's forehead.

"Au! Why'd you do that!" Maria said as she held her forehead.

"Because you deserve it." Ms. Aria said.

"That's just cruel! You can't attack somebody because of that!" Maria complained.

"What if I want to?" Ms. Aria said.

"Shameless! How can you even be a teacher!" Maria cried out.