Mission: Investigate Ariana's Family (3)

Ms. Aria then realized that the mansion was actually very far away from the gates thus deciding to get back onto the carriage.

She than made the carriage enter the gate before she got stopped by the gatekeepers from Ariana's family.

"Halt! Name, race, and occupation right now!" The gatekeepers said as they pointed their swords towards the carriage.

"Name is Aria, race is human, occupation is teacher. Is that sufficient?" Ms. Aria said from inside the carriage.

"We would like to see your proof of occupation!" The gatekeepers said.

As many people could be scamming families by calling themselves teachers, the academy had decided to give their teachers a medal that contained their information and details.

"Here you go, check it and return it back." Ms. Aria said as she threw her teacher medal out the carriage to the gatekeeper.