Baroque Vs Ragestride (9)

"Come over here lady, we mean you no harm. All you have to do is satisfy that butler over there and you will be alright. We will even give you some some gold coins, maybe even a platinum coin!" The guard said as he walked towards Ms. Aria with his blade drawn.

"What if I say no?" Ms. Aria said as she smirked at him.

"Then, don't say we didn't warn you miss. Prepare to feel some pain, you could've taken it the easier way." The guard said as he started sprinting towards her as he brought his blade down.

"That depends on who will be in pain won't it?" Ms. Aria said as she casted wind bullets on the guard.

"Wind Bullets!" She chanted.

"AGh!" The guard who was about to bring his blade down upon her was caught off guard as he was hit by a strong wind bullet in the chest sending him flying about 20 metres away back towards the butler.

"Watch out guys! She can use magic!" The guard who was sent flying said as he got up again while struggling.