Baroque Vs Ragestride (10)

Omg, I just got donated $2500 USD and got 200 subs on twitch today ah! I am big happy ah!

Hopefully no charge back ah…

Thank you


"Tch! It's only one mere woman! She can't do anything if we outnumber her! It's three to one! We have the upper hand! Let's get her men!" A guard said as he circled around her with two more guards.

"Uryaa!" A guard said as he suddenly charged in from behind him and swung his sword.

"Hup!" Ms. Aria gracefully dodged the attack by side stepping to the side as if she had anticipated the move.

However, the other guards weren't just waiting for nothing. After seeing her dodge the attack, the both of them both went in for the attack as they seized her options of escape.

"Ah?" Ms. Aria who did not expect the three to be so coordinated was stunned for a bit. However, her saving grace had come.