Baroque Vs Ragestride (11)

"Ah! I am finally done!" Sylvie said as she closed the book and fell backwards straight on the floor sprawled up.

"So tiring… My body is so numb and sore! Why do I have to study on an off day! This is the worst! I better get a reward later hmph!" Sylvie talked to herself.

"Now then! I can go out now! Time to have my daily dose of fun on this day off of school!" Sylvie said as she put on a skirt and white jacket before she left the house.

"Hmm, where should I go today? Ah, let's go to the Adventurer's guild! I haven't been there in so long! I always had to slip out of the house just to go there to have fun there! Especially when I helped be the guild receptionist for a while! The people there who went to me to register for a mission were shocked silly! I wanna see their reaction again!" Sylvie muttered to herself as she skipped her way to the Adventurer's Guild garnering attention from many on the road.

Cling Clang