Bert & Patricia's Cooking (2)

'Hmm, if these are really good. I guess Sylvie will have a good meal for dinner today. And from now on and onwards.' Ms. Aria thought to herself.

After a few minutes of waiting did the waitress finally come out of the back pushing a cart that had two trays on it.

One was a large tray that was sliced into 16 slices yet were still intact due to the cheese. The other was 10 solids that looked like a mountain that was smooth slightly on its own individual small plate.

"Here you go. This is your pizza. It's best to eat it while it's still hot." The waitress said as she placed the entire pizza onto the table.

"And here are your 10 puddings. Best eaten cold. The tray has a magic circle on it that keeps it cool. Please take your time." The waitress said as she placed the puddings plate by plate next to the pizza.

"Thank you." Ms. Aria said as she watched the waitress push the cart back into the back of the restaurant.