Bert & Patricia's Cooking (3)

"Mmm, that was really good you two. Where'd you learn how to cook?" Ms. Aria asked Bert and Patricia after their shift was over.

"Oh… We were just traveling and we happened to stumble across some ancient paper. It told us what to do, and we ended up making it somehow. The ancient people must've had good food or something." Patricia answered as she scratched her cheek.

"... That's… Do you know how to cook anything else aside from those two dishes?" Ms. Aria asked her as she was stunned from the reply.

"Yes, we were originally cooks for mercenary groups anyway. So finding that recipe helped us improve in our cooking a lot." Patricia said happily.

"I see." Ms. Aria said as she started to be delighted.

"Would you like to cook for Sylvie at our house?" Ms. Aria asked her.

"Sure! I would love to cook for her everyday!" Patricia said as she jumped in joy when she heard the request.