Stop Being A Cry Baby!

"Alright, be on your best behavior now Sylvie. I shall go pick up Bert and Patricia, I don't want to see you get caught into conflict outside. The magic circle is still active just to let you know." Ms. Aria said before she left the house.

"Alright…" Sylvie replied as she just went to sleep early due to how exhausted she was from crying prior to her energeticness in the beginning of the day.

"Ha~" Sylvie sighed as she lay on her bed while one arm covered both of her eyes.

"Life is so unfair." Sylvie said as tears started to drip down her cheeks again.

After saying that, Sylvie draped her blanket over her as she curled up into a ball before falling asleep.

"Sylvie we're back." Ms. Aria said as she opened the door.

However, there was no response.

"Aria, did you leave her without food again?" Patricia questioned her.

"No, I left her food this time. Let's check the living room." Ms. Aria said as she took off her shoes before entering the rooms.