Happy Father's Day!

"Sigh, it's sure been lonely without those 3." Claude said as he laid down on the couch.

"If you're lonely, go to the bar and hang out with your old comrades why don't you?" Laura said as she was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.

"Ha~ Why would I talk to those old geezers when I could hug my cute daughter?" Claude sighed as he turned around to look at Laura.

"Our cute daughter isn't here. Go hug someone else, at least she is learning unlike a certain someone." Laura said as she gave Claude a glare.

"Fine fine, I'll go out. I wonder if those old geezers have anything fun." Claude said as he draped his coat over himself before heading out.

"Have a nice time. Make sure you don't get drunk to the point where someone needs to bring you home again." Laura warned him.

"I won't." Claude said as he closed the door.