Claude's Old Friends (1)

"Here we go." Claude muttered to himself as he stood in front of a bar.


After entering the bar, Claude immediately walked over to the counter as he found himself a spot to sit at.

"Hello there. What may I get you?" The bartender asked Claude the moment he sat down.

"Can I get Maryland Whiskey?" Claude asked the bartender.

"Coming right up." The bartender said as he went over and grabbed a bottle with the label, 'Maryland Whiskey - 100% Fresh.'

He then grabbed an empty mug before carefully pouring the whiskey into the mug. After filling it to the brim, he handed it to Claude.

"Here is your Maryland whiskey." The bartender said as he slid the mug filled with whiskey towards Claude.

"Thanks." Claude said as he placed two silver coins on the counter before he picked up the mug and found a secluded area to sit down and enjoy the whiskey.

"They'll be here any time soon. They always come at this time anyway." Claude muttered to himself softly as he took a sip out of the mug.