Drinking Contest (2)

"..." Claude just stared at the two people that were both unconscious after drinking.

"Did their drinking tolerance get lower or something?" Claude asked the group.

"Yeah, they didn't drink alcohol at all after we split up. So they naturally lost their resistance capt." Milton said as he continued to drink his alcohol.

"So where are you all residing at for now?" Claude asked them.

"At a hotel near here. Why?" Milton asked his captain.

"You all should come over and sleep at my residence for a while yeah? My wife and I have been lonely, our children have been at school and all." Claude said.

"Alright. I heard you two had a son and a daughter yeah? Is Jin all grown up now? Haven't seen him since he was a toddler." Milton asked him.

"Yeah, he's old enough now. Old enough to wander alone. He comes back during vacations through, even though he usually brings back more problems." Claude said.

"Sounds tough yeah? So how's your son and daughter?" Milton asked him.