Dormitory Time!

"Ha! Finally! I can get away from her!" Sylvie said in the morning on a weekend.

"Is that how you should act when you're separating from someone who takes care of you?" Elise asked her with a frown on her face.

"She was the devil! Would you be nice to the devil!? I didn't think so." Sylvie retorted.

"Isn't she your teacher? How in the world did she become the devil to you?" Elise asked her.

"She starved me to death once." Sylvie said as she recalled the time where she fainted in the living room due to starvation a few weeks ago.

"But hey! Look on the bright side! It's been a month! We finally get access to the dorms!" Sylvie said happily.

"Yeah, now I don't have to wake up super early to go to school. I get more time in bed to relax!" Maria said happily.

"Yeah! I won't have servants telling me to wake up early in the morning anymore!" Sam said as he started to drool.