Beauty Examination (1)

"Emm… Why are am I facing a mirror?" Sylvie asked the landlady as she was placed onto a chair.

"I shall style your hair. Since your poor hair was burnt off, we'll have to have you have a new style. Beauty is everything, yes?" The landlady said as she started to take out utensils.

"Um alright?" Sylvie replied dazedly as she left the landlady to do her work.

Snip Snip

Snip Snip

Seeing how her hair was being cut for styling, still could not help but sadden Sylvie.

'My precious hair, it's being cut. Ugh, this sucks so badly. I am never entering the kitchen again.' Sylvie thought to herself as her heart winced in pain every time there was a snipping sound.

After a few more minutes of cutting Sylvie's hair did the landlady finally stop.

"You can open your eyes now little girl. What do you think about your new hairstyle?" The landlady asked Sylvie.

"It's okay," Sylvie replied as her heart was already shredded into pieces.