Beauty Examination (2)

"Ah. Do you girl's know about beauty products and all that stuff?" The landlady asked the two as she held onto a white bottle.

"Mhm. I never really use them though. My family just lets our appearance go naturally." Elise replied.

"Hmm, I see. What about you? The young lady that burnt some of the little girl's hair off." The landlady asked Maria as she placed down the white bottle.

"Eh? Um, I guess we use it a lot? I don't really use it but, my grandma and my mother use them." Maria replied.

"I see, do you have any experience in that department?" The landlady asked Maria.

"Eh? I have a little experience in it… Sometimes my little sister wants a little makeup on her face just for fun. So I end up doing it a lot, and I kinda got used to it." Maria replied as she scratched her cheeks embarrassingly.

"Can you help me apply some makeup then?" The landlady asked Maria.