Mysterious Man

"Oh? A collapsed cave? I can still sense that demon I had my organization summoned around. It must be in here then." A man cloaked in black said as he stood in front of the collapsed cave Sam and Lance had created earlier before departing.

"Hmm? Two different footprints? Looks like you got done in by two people huh?" The cloaked man muttered as he looked on the mud which had been caused by the rain.

"Sigh, I'll help you out then. I don't want all those sacrifices to be in vain. You must grow stronger too." The cloaked man said as he looked at the collapsed cave and pointed his hand at it.

"Erupt." He said as the caved in stones suddenly exploded into tiny bits. Any normal human being would've had a tiny pebble go through them like it was nothing, however to the man. The pebbles just seemed to bounce off of him.

"You should be okay now. Go train and get stronger. And try not to die for now." The cloaked man said as he vanished from the cave.