Way Back To Boy's Dormitory

"Oh yes. We are lost, we were just exploring the mountain. We didn't expect it to rain and start having bad omen sings all of a sudden." Sam said.

"Oh, must've been tough on you two huh? Looks like you encountered some wild beasts that attacked you on the way." The landlord said as he looked at the bruised up Lance and the damaged armor on Sam.

"Yeah, no biggies though. All we did was trap the monster in a cave before collapsing it. We had already considerably damaged it anyway." Sam said.

"I see, you must've been lucky to make it out alive. Anyway, can you help me carry this all the way back to the boy's dormitory?" The landlord said.

"Sure," Sam said as he took the initiative to help the landlord carry the bag. Little did the both of them know that the thing they were carrying, was the same exact thing that had given them their injuries.

"Ugh! What's in this thing? Why is it so heavy." Lance couldn't help but ask as he lifted the bag with Lance.