Kidnapper Fight!

Just as the boss called out for the attack, the men covered in black instantly started closing in towards the eight. They did not allow anyone to escape as all paths of escape were blocked off.

"Dang it, what do we do now?" Chad asked as he had never been in a kidnapping situation before.

"What else can we do? We obviously have to fight them." Elise said.

"Ahh, I don't have a wand to use! My magic won't do much." Maria cried out.

"It's alright, you'll surely find something with your luck." Lance said as he pulled out his katana from who knows where.

"I don't remember you bringing your katana, where did you even keep it?" Sam asked him.

"It was on my back, just so people wouldn't look at me weirdly. My back hurts from leaning on it when we were on the rides though." Lance said as he unsheathed his katana aiming it in front of his enemy.

"I see, so you were just like me huh?" Sam said as he pulled out his hammer from within his shirt.