Let's End This Quickly

They immediately looked towards the small girl who had cast the spell. They all came to the same conclusion, they wouldn't be able to fight with this speed reduction, thus they must eliminate her first.

"Get her! Knock her unconscious so she can't continue her magic!" The kidnappers started shouting at each other as they all stopped fighting whoever they were fighting and dashed towards Sylvie.

"I said scram, why must you persist in being on my way? Do you not know how much you are compared to those scary things I saw on that ride? Must you be such sacrifices that you are willing to throw yourselves towards me for me to relieve my anger?" Sylvie muttered to herself as she quickly casted another magic spell.

"Ice Angel." Sylvie chanted as figures of angels cladded in armor suddenly appeared around her protecting her from all angles. They were made out of ice, thus they were easily reparable due to the blizzard.