
"Fine, come this way. The examinator is over here. You will have to wait a bit though, as he is currently testing out some more kiddos like you who want to become adventurers too." Illya opened a door to the back of the Adventurer's Guild as she spoke.

"Alright then, we can wait. We don't really have anything going on for us today." Maria said as she went through the door that Illya was holding open for them all.

"Frank, are you going to come to watch or no?" Illya asked him since he was the only one that hadn't stepped out of the guild yet.

"I can't, I have so many papers to do right now. Stupid nobles, can't they stop fighting? They are giving me so many troubles right now. They are hiring both mercenaries and adventurers to do their biddings in battle. Tch, it's so annoying." Frank shook his head left and right before he left back to his office on the second floor.